I have created multiple portfolio website templates using ChakraUI and React. You can check my previous posts for different portfolio templates.
My own portfolio mahmad.me is built using ChakraUI.
I am a big fan of ChakraUI but since being introduced to Tailwind at work, I've started to understand the benefits. Now I created a portfolio template with Tailwind using Dev.to as a CMS.
Github Repo: https://github.com/MA-Ahmad/mahmad.me
Live Demo: https://mahmad-me.vercel.app
Technologies used
- Tailwind CSS - Have been working with CSS for over 4 years and Tailwind just makes my life easier. It is still CSS and you use flex, grid, etc.
- TypeScript - It's how JavaScript should have been by default. The combination of static type checking with intelligent code completion provides a significant boost in developer productivity. Not only can you work faster, but you can also catch a ton of errors before they arise.
- Next.js - I don't try to hide the fact that I love Next.js, it's so simple to use and give so many out of the box features.
- Dev.to API - to dynamically build the blog.
- Framer Motion - to add slick and beautiful animations.
Things I'll improve
- Add a custom domain name
- Add my resume
- Add Canonical URLs to my blog page
Top comments (5)
😍😍 I love the animations
This is nice. NextJS is definitely great. I am also thinking of using NextJS instead of Gatsby.
Your portfolios list is amazing. Keep it up man.
Good work
Try lagandlog.com to get your portfolio for free.
Example portfolio - sudo.lglg.me
I hope this will be useful.
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