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Cover image for Would you use a chrome extension that makes you google SO answers faster? 🚀
MichaƂ Gacka
MichaƂ Gacka

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Would you use a chrome extension that makes you google SO answers faster? 🚀

I found lately that whenever I'm learning a new language or library or I focus on something very specific (like fixing typing errors in TypeScript) I'd lose a lot of time refocusing from vscode to Chrome, retyping a similar query, and having to select the first search result. So I made a chrome extension that does that and I wonder if you'd like to beta test it.

![Brisk Logo]( *A great excuse to draw a happy squirrel. Brisk's logo.*

It's all based on the assumption that Google is much better at searching SO than SO's built-in search function. The chrome extension is called Brisk and it lets you define a global shortcut (you can trigger it directly from your ide) that will:

  1. focus chrome,
  2. open up a window automatically into which you can type in your query
  3. it will then run that (optionally with a prefix defined by you - e.g. 'python' so that you don't have to retype the beginning all the time) query into google
  4. and select the first StackOverflow answer

It's still a bit experimental and even though it works for me I wonder if you'd be up for trying it out (in dev mode before I release it) so that I can adjust it to your needs ☀

Top comments (4)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I'd try it

m3h0w profile image
MichaƂ Gacka • Edited

Awesome Ben! Thanks for taking me up on the offer.

I'm not sure how long the review process of the Chrome Webstore is but I'll come back with a link when the gods of Chrome are back with the verdict.

m3h0w profile image
MichaƂ Gacka

Hi @ben :) It should be available to your email now:

m3h0w profile image
MichaƂ Gacka

Very nice. I'll try it out. Thanks for the recommendation!