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Mik Seljamaa 🇪🇪
Mik Seljamaa 🇪🇪

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Confluence of Excellence

The backdrop of the story begins in 1968, and the Software Crisis is identified by Edsger Dijkstra.
The other half of the story identifies the effectiveness disparity between the good and the poor programmers. People found various detours around these problems by creating skunkworks, when they began to believe that this is a repeatable process metacognition of their excellence gathered enough momentum that they gathered together to discuss what might be useful in

TQM and original self-awareness and feedback to reengineer business was very insightful in improving systems and even for constructing whole industries.

Blindness to personal shortcomes is a problem for the managerial and executive staff.
PROGRAMMER’S STONE – Alan Carter and Colston Sanger, 1989 - 1997

THE AGILE MANIFESTO 1998 - Programmers stone papers published free online
Progstone email list begins 1999

THE MATRIX Wachowski’s 1999 – The Matrix and The Desert of the Real, freed humans and the ones who sleep in the matrix, the parable was retold in cinematic form in a very effective manner

PETER WHYBROW - when more is not enough 2005
STRESS RESEARCH – various scientists, 2006 Two different modes in the brain’s striatum define how problems are solved - DLS increases as the result of dopamine fueled excesses in ritual addictions. DMS increases as brain is freed from stress and cortisol. Dopamine is triggered by expectation and forms arousal and creates seeking behaviour to fulfill the triggers connected to the expectation. Dopamine is increased by both negative and positive behaviours.

Pragmatic Thinking and Learning, 2008 Andy Hunt

COHERENCE – Alan Watkins 2009,
Research on Agile methodologies is coming in, signs appear that the theory is getting misused and begins to ossify as SCRUM is introduced to provide the white collars with their levy and the methods turn into the very routines they were meant to supplant.

SOFTWARE, FASTER. PATTERNS of EFFECTIVE DELIVERY– Dan North 2012, (not for beginners!)

One Thousand Minds on FB and the “End” of the FB experiment
FLOW GENOME PROJECT - Steven Kotler and Jamie Wheal 2015 -2020


METALEARNING and FACTORS for EXCELLENCE uncovered with AI, Vivienne Ming 2015

  • Social Skills
  • Creativity
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • General Cognitive Skills
  • Self Regulation

Now we can walk back and look how different preceding theories map to this network of skillset unveiled! More on that later...

WHM - Wim Hof Method 2016 and the holotropic method - it is now possible to touch the Consciousness level 3(Awakened Creativity and Flow) and Consciousness level 4 (Causality)

THE FOUR TENDENCIES - 2017 one tendency stands out as the REBEL- creative - innovative or MAPPER, if you will! We do not like orders or expectations from anyone and that includes expectations we have of ourselves! The flipside is that we enjoy what we do and we get really enthused by what we are happy doing.
Habit of Ferocity 6 Motivations to stack to keep up the grind
Vagus nerve exercises to eliminate and reduce stress

Neurable, Neuralink, Kernel ongoing and future research into the mind should increase the speed for learning and mind-machine interfaces and perhaps even prepare us with ways to

Perhaps it would be possible to gather a group of people who have metalearned to program at super level with great insights and executive cognitive powers so that flow happens as much as possible.
While Permanent Flow is out of reach due to limitations of human neurochemistry perhaps the balance between Meditation and Flow could be optimised to achieve a persistent increase in productive capacity?

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