DEV Community

Lynn Langit
Lynn Langit

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GitHub Codespaces Extensions

Tried out setting up a custom GitHub Codespace to launch using two VSCode extensions. The scenario is for learning the bioinformatics WDL language. In my 'learn-wdl' Repo, I have a set of customization files so that my Codespace will include required dependencies (JDK and other files). I customized a MSFT-built Java Codespace for this.

I wanted to add the two available WDL extensions. First I located them, by searching (shown below). I took note of the name of each extension as well.

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Then I updated my devcontainer.json file to include those two extension names (shown below) and saved/pushed my updates to this file.

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Next I closed the existing Codespace and deleted it. Finally I launched a fresh Codespace for this Repo and voila! My WDL syntax highlighting was installed and working (shown below).

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