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Lynda Wainaina
Lynda Wainaina

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Exploratory Data Analysis using Data Visualization Techniques.

Raw data is like crude oil - it needs to be refined and processed to extract valuable insights. This is where Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) comes into play. EDA is the compass that helps us navigate the vast sea of data, enabling you to uncover hidden patterns and stories. When it comes to EDA, data visualization is the ship sailing us through the waves of information.

In this article, I highlight how data visualization techniques can help us dive into the world of EDA. I share why EDA is essential, the power of visualizing data, and various techniques and tools that makes visualisation easier.

Importance of EDA

EDA is the cornerstone of any data analysis process, as It helps us to:

  1. Understand Data: EDA provides a clear view of the data, making it easier to spot anomalies, outliers, and trends.

  2. Clean Data: EDA reveals missing values and inconsistencies that need cleaning before further analysis.

  3. Discover Patterns: It unveils hidden patterns that might not be apparent in raw data.

  4. Make Informed Decisions: EDA guides decision-making in data-driven industries.

Data Visualization

Data visualization is the art of representing data through graphs, charts, and other visual elements. It's not just about making data pretty; it's about making data understandable. Below are few reasons why visualization is so powerful:

  • Clarity: Visual representations simplify complex data, making it easier to grasp.

  • Communication: Visualizations are universal, meaning anyone can understand your analysis.

  • Identification: Outliers, trends, and correlations become apparent through visualization.

Techniques for EDA with Data Visualization

  1. Histograms and Box Plots: they provide insights into data distributions and help identify outliers.

  2. Scatter Plots: Ideal for exploring relationships between two variables.

  3. Heatmaps: Good for correlation analysis, especially in larger datasets.

  4. Time Series Plots: Essential for time-based data, they uncover trends and seasonality.

  5. Bar Charts: Useful for categorical data, showing frequency distributions.

Tools for EDA

Several powerful tools make data visualization for EDA much easier. A few of those are listed below;

  • Python with Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly: Python's libraries are versatile and widely used.

  • R Programming: Libraries such as ggplot2, plotly, lattice, etc are great tools for visualization.

  • Tableau: Offers intuitive drag-and-drop functionality.

  • Power BI: Microsoft's business intelligence tool for EDA and visualization.

  • Jupyter Notebooks: Perfect for interactive data exploration with visualizations.


Exploratory Data Analysis using data visualization techniques is a critical step in any data analysis journey. With the right techniques and tools, you can unlock the power of your data and navigate to success. As a data science beginner, try out some of the tools above to better understand your data which helps in further Data preprocessing.
EDA is only a key to understand and represent your data in a better way which in result helps you to build a powerful and more generalized model.

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