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Nevertheless, Lydia Zaki Keeps Coding in 2022

Hello world! I'm Lydia Zaki and my journey in the world of technology is pretty funny. Sooo, let's go!

How I began?

2013 - I started my tech journey during high school and I was placed in computer science class. However, I decided to change to pure science class because I see myself wearing a lab coat and becoming a doctor. But, two years later, my SPM results did not turn out what I hoped for... but... oh well, life must go on.

2015 - I was offered science stream module 2 in matriculation, and the subjects were chemistry, physics, computer science
and mathematics. Sooo, I still have a chance to wear a lab coat! A year later, BAM! I got A for my computer science subject...the only A.

2016 - So, after I graduated from matriculation, we were given 20 selections to choose from any courses and fields that suits our results. Out of 20 selections, I placed computer science in 20th place, the 19 above were any chemistry related fields. But, months later, to my chagrin, I'm being enrolled to Graphic Technology and Multimedia, one of the computer science courses... The last option I have placed. At this point, I was like, fine, I accepted my fate and let's have it a go.

2020 - Four years later, I graduated with 6 dean's list in Graphic Technology and Multimedia. Woohoo!

Fast forward to 2022, after all the impromptu decisions, I am one of the developers in REKA Inisiatif Sdn. Bhd.

My biggest technical goals are…

  • To learn as much as I can and expand my technical skills in different areas
  • To help my colleagues and others in their coding journey
  • To become a better developer and contribute as much as i can in the company

I pledge to break the bias in tech by…

Support and motivate other women and minorities to break out of their comfort zones. Explore and do what you love, no matter what society tells us to do. And of course to recognise their success.

Advocating for myself looks like…

Getting up every day and doing what you know it is best for you and become the person you want to be and help others.


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