An often overlooked yet vital skill for mastering the MVC pattern or similar architectures is understanding their core principles. Here, we demystify the concept and break it down in a clear, easy-to-follow way:
MVC Pattern Overview
Model: **Handles the data and business logic (Example: Fetching or storing data in the database).
**View: Displays the data to the user (Example: HTML, templates, or the user interface).
Controller: Acts as the “middleman,” coordinating between the Model and the View.
But… how does the app know which controller to call when the user interacts with it? That’s where routes (or the router) come in.
Curious to know? Let’s demystify,…
What is the Router’s Role?
The router is like a traffic cop. It directs requests from users to the correct controller function based on the URL they are trying to access. For example:
If a user visits, the router ensures the Login Controller is triggered.
If they go to, the router activates the Profile Controller.
Without routes, your application wouldn’t know what logic to execute for a given user action or request.
Why is the Router Crucially Important?
From our knowledge up to now, can we at least imagine its importance?
1. Organized Request Handling:
o Routes create a clear map of your app’s behavior.
o Instead of cramming logic everywhere, you assign responsibilities like:
/users → Handle user actions.
/products → Manage product actions.
2. Separation of Concerns:
o Routing separates URL-to-controller logic from the rest of your code.
o This keeps your application modular and easier to maintain.
3. Dynamic Behavior:
o Routes let you handle dynamic parameters. For example:
/users/:id → Can dynamically fetch user data based on their unique id.
4. Middleware Integration:
o Routers allow you to easily plug in middleware for specific routes. Example:
Add authentication checks only to protected routes like /dashboard.
5. Scalability:
o In larger apps, the router lets you divide routes into modules (Example: user-related routes, admin routes, etc…).
o This makes scaling your app’s logic a breeze.
How It Fits in MVC
Think of the router as the connection point:
A user makes a request (Example: GET /products/123).
The router checks its list of rules and determines:
Which controller to call.
What functionality to execute in that controller (Example: fetching product with ID 123).
- The controller then uses the Model to get the data and passes it to the View for display.
Sample Example to have a strong understanding
Let’s use Node’s Express.js
Router (routes/products.js):
const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router(); // Invoking express's router library
const productController = require('../controllers/productController'); // Importing the controller routes
// Define a route for fetching a product by ID
router.get('/:id', productController.getProductById);
// Exporting routes to be eccessible in app.js
module.exports = router;
Controller (controllers/productController.js):
exports.getProductById = (req, res) => {
const productId =;
// Call the Model to get product data. Notice here I'm using NoSQL(MongoDb) querying language.
const product = Product.findById(productId);
res.json(product); // Send product data to the user
Application (app.js): The first application entry
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const productRoutes = require('./routes/products');
// The route to be triggered when user requests a product
app.use('/products', productRoutes);
app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Server running on port 3000'));
When a user requests a specific product for instance, the first entry of the application which is app.js calls the defined routes(here productRoutes). The productRoutes function hundler calls the relevant function in routes/products.js file (here getProductById) which is imported from the controllers (here controllers/productController.js) folder but assigned to productController constant. The function in controller calls the model to get product data and ultimatly update the view with the data. Note that it’s the controller(the middleman) that updates the view with the fetched data.
In Summary
The router is essential because it:
Decides which controller to activate based on the URL.
Keeps your code modular, clean, and scalable.
Adds flexibility with dynamic paths, middleware, and custom behavior.
Without a router, your app would be chaotic and nearly impossible to scale as you add more features!
Thanks and…Happy coding…
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