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Lupe 🇧🇴
Lupe 🇧🇴

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Code, Café, and Dancing: A Latina's Triumphs in Week 2 at Recurse Center

Hola! Welcome to a recap of the exhilarating Week 2 at Recurse Center, where I embarked on a journey of growth, discovery, and self-reflection. This week was filled with exciting accomplishments, valuable lessons, and inspiring interactions that have shaped my coding adventure. So, let's dive right in!

Accomplishments to be Proud Of

Looking back at Week 2, I can't help but feel a wave of pride for what I achieved. One of the highlights was setting up a web application to ask questions to top choreographers using the OpenAI API. It was an exhilarating experience to apply the knowledge I had just learned in this new technology. I dedicated more time to coding, allowing me to make significant progress and push my boundaries.

Fun with One-on-One Conversations

This week, I had the pleasure of engaging in more one-on-one conversations, and it was an absolute blast. These intimate interactions provided me with unique insights, new perspectives, and an opportunity for growth. In fact, I discovered that one-on-ones can even be used for pair programming, making collaboration even more effective and enjoyable.

Blockers and Takeaways

While it was an exciting and productive week, I encountered some challenges along the way. Time management continued to be a blocker, as the chaotic nature of my schedule made it challenging to allocate dedicated hours for coding. Additionally, working on my web application involved diving into machine learning and AI concepts that were relatively new to me, leading to additional time investments. However, these hurdles became valuable lessons, emphasizing the importance of setting aside focused time for coding and the need for further exploration and understanding of key concepts.

Valuable Interactions and Shared Spaces

The interactions I had with fellow learners this week were truly inspiring and enriched my experience at Recurse Center. I learned that many individuals are working with technologies I am interested in, providing an opportunity for knowledge sharing and collaboration. Moreover, I discovered that we all share similar fears and concerns, such as the fear of not being able to finish reading this blog (don't worry, you made it!). Additionally, engaging in discussions about our sabbatical years shed light on the importance of defining our goals and finding ways to make a meaningful impact while being kind and patient with ourselves.

Discovering Flow State and Self-awareness

During Week 2, I made an interesting self-discovery. I found that having a clear understanding of what I wanted to accomplish or a well-defined picture of the next steps helped me slip into a flow state more easily. This realization provided me with a valuable tool to optimize my productivity and focus during coding sessions. Furthermore, I learned more about myself and my needs, such as the importance of resting or finding a darker place when my eyes start to itch—a small but crucial piece of self-care in the coding journey.

Looking Ahead and Setting Intentions

As I eagerly anticipate the adventures of the upcoming week, I am excited to delve deeper into exploring different models and expand my horizons by connecting with more individuals. Building upon the lessons learned, I am determined to make some changes in my routine. I plan to code in the mornings, allowing me the flexibility to engage with others' projects and conversations later in the day. Additionally, I aim to incorporate a daily yoga practice, which will provide me with a sense of freedom and balance throughout the day.

In conclusion, Week 2 at Recurse Center was filled with accomplishments, growth, and self-discovery. From setting up the web application to engaging in meaningful conversations and learning valuable lessons, this week has propelled me further on my coding journey. As I embrace the challenges and celebrate the milestones, I am excited to see what the next week holds in store. Stay tuned for more adventures, laughter, and insights from Recurse Center!

¡Hasta pronto!

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