DEV Community

Discussion on: De Morgan’s Law

luke_codes profile image
Luke Poirrier • Edited

Interesting read! You did a great job of explaining the why, what, and how of De Morgan’s Law. As a self-taught developer I really appreciate any CS knowledge I can pick up on the way.

Keep 'em coming, TGJ!

tracygjg profile image
Tracy Gilmore

Luke, I have published another post in this mini-series on the topic of recursion that might interest you. I have another post in draft on Regular Expressions but I am always on the look-out for topics. If you have any question that might make a post please send them my way.
Thanks for the positive feedback and I wish you well on your CS journey. TGJ.

cubiclesocial profile image

If you want some formal CS knowledge, there's nothing better than grabbing a copy of the 800+ page PDF assembly opcode manual for your hardware and a suitable assembly language compiler and going to town. You'll learn that your computer is WAY faster than you imagined as well as better understand how the technology works under the hood and even get a taste for over-optimization for every clock cycle you can squeeze out of that CPU. But you'll also appreciate the sugar-coated, bloated, generally cross-platform/cross-architecture languages we've grown accustomed to that make our lives as developers easier at the cost of performance.

I grew up typing in little assembly language, batch files, and various other programs from magazines. Also taught myself ANSI C from books. No Internet back then. Everyone's got it easy and we're all lazy now that an answer is a quick Google Search away.