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Luis Augusto
Luis Augusto

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Using CSS Counters for Styling Numbered Content

One of my favorite up and coming updates to CSS is the ::marker pseudo element. There have been so many situations where I am styling a website and I need the list item indicator to just be a different color. Until recently, the best way to do this would be to remove the list style, and re-add it using a :before element on the list item, which is a lot of CSS for just one little thing.

Now, instead of writing all of this CSS:

I can do it with literally one line:

Unfortunately, ::marker is only supported on Firefox by default and through flags on Edge and Chrome, so it's not widely available yet. So until then, I'll have to stick with the old way.

The former approach works great for unordered lists, but I was recently given a task where I had to change the color of the indicators in a ordered list, which are incrementing digits. This is where CSS counters come in! CSS counters allows CSS to automatically count elements and create incrementing numbers. This not only works on lists, it can count and display a number for any element. It's pretty neat!

In order to use this, there are a few properties and functions to know about:

  • counter-reset - Creates or resets a counter
  • counter-increment - Increments a counter value
  • counter() or counters() - Adds the value of a counter to an element

To begin using CSS Counters, you will need to use counter-reset on an element to define counter that you want to use:

ul {
  counter-reset: my-awesome-counter;

counter-reset works by passing in a name for the counter as its value. It can be called anything you want, with the same naming restrictions as classes or IDs. This will also reset the value of the counter to 0 if it has been used before. You can then reference it with the counter-increment property:

li {
  counter-increment: my-awesome-counter;

This will increase the counter called my-awesome-counter by 1 for every li inside the parent ul where we defined the counter. That on it's own won't really do anything though. If you actually want to see the number being incremented, The counter() function will output the value of a given counter:

li:before {
  content: counter(my-awesome-counter);

Putting it all together, you can now create a custom counter for your ordered lists:

There is also a counters() function which will allow nested counters with the same name to be combined into subcounters. That function takes a second argument that defines a string to be used as a separator:

Finally, as I mentioned before this can be used on all sorts of elements, and combined to create hierarchical content structures:

CSS counters are an awesome and flexible tool to have around, there are so many creative way to use it. Have you implemented CSS counters in previous projects to solve a problem?

To learn more, check out the CSS Counters Guide on the MDN Web Docs.

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