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Cover image for Redis Trail - Redis Hackathon
Vandy Sodanheang
Vandy Sodanheang

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Redis Trail - Redis Hackathon

Overview of My Submission

Redis Trail is an effective audit trail solution can be crucial to an organization's security and data integrity as it can help find the who, what, and when. This helps organizations keep track of changes and investigate potential mistakes or violations of policy. Redis Trail is built as an audit trail application using Spring Boot framework for the backend and Redis as stream storage. And, the client application can integrate with Redis Trail using RESTful API to keep and monitor track of change.

Submission Category:

Wacky Wildcards - Redis Trail will records all the data change record and enable the client application to fetch and filter data changes.

Video Explainer of My Project

You can view our video here.

Language Used

We use Spring Boot Framework with Kotlin Programming Language.

Link to Code

You can visit our source code via Redis Trail

Additional Resources / Info


In conclusion, we'd like to thank Redis and the community that create this amazing hackathon. We are really thrilled about our Redis Trail and hope our application can help someone or some organization in their business needs.

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