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Lucretius Biah
Lucretius Biah

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Caesar Cipher In Ruby

We are going to make a simple program which will encrypt our data using Caesar cipher

What is the Caesar Cipher?

The Caesar cipher is a type of substitution cipher which each letter in the plaintext is replaced by a letter some fixed number of positions down the alphabet. The number of fixed positions down the alphabet is what we call the key. It was named after Julius Caesar since he was the one who invented it.

How It Works

So as I said earlier on, each letter during encryption is moved some fixed positions down the alphabet. So for a key of 3, if we are to encipher the letter A, we will shift it down three characters and the results will be D, C would be F and so on...
To decipher or decrypt, it will be the reverse process, we will count the letters backwards and the number of times will be determined by the key. So in order to decipher A with a key of 5, we will count 5 letters backwards and we will get V.

Writing the algorithm in Ruby

Since am learning Ruby, I decided it was the best language to use since it will help me understand it more, and besides, Ruby is a very easy and simple language to understand. Also, we are going to use object oriented approach since that will make everything easier for us and it's the best way too.

class Caesar
  @@UPPERCASE_LETTERS = ("A".."Z").to_a #Uses the range to create the uppercase letters and converts it to an array
  @@LOWERCASE_LETTERS = ("a".."z").to_a #Uses the range to create the lowercase letters and converts it to an array

  attr_accessor :key #This allows us to get and set the key without creating methods

  def initialize(key)
    #The constructor recieves the key on initialization
    @key = key #The key is then made an instance variable which makes it accessible

  def encrypt(text)
    #This method handles the encryption of the text
    encrypted = "" #This is the variable which will hold the encrypted text
    text.split("").to_a.each do |x| #Converts the text into an array an iterate over each index
      if @@UPPERCASE_LETTERS.include? x #We then check if the current variable is included in the UPPERCASE array
        encrypted += @@UPPERCASE_LETTERS[ (@@UPPERCASE_LETTERS.index(x) + key) % 26] #We then find it's index and add the key to it
      elsif @@LOWERCASE_LETTERS.include? x
        encrypted += @@LOWERCASE_LETTERS[ (@@LOWERCASE_LETTERS.index(x) + key) % 26]
        encrypted += x
    return encrypted

  def decrypt(text)
    #This method is responsible for decrypting the encrypted text
    decrypted = "" #This variable will hold the decrypted text
    text.split("").to_a.each do |x|
      if @@UPPERCASE_LETTERS.include? x
        decrypted += @@UPPERCASE_LETTERS[ (@@UPPERCASE_LETTERS.index(x) - key) % 26]
      elsif @@LOWERCASE_LETTERS.include? x
        decrypted += @@LOWERCASE_LETTERS[ (@@LOWERCASE_LETTERS.index(x) - key) % 26]
        decrypted += x
    return decrypted
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The code above is the Caesar cipher in Ruby. So let me explain parts of the code. The encrypt and decrypt method is similar so the explanation is the same for all.

  • The method receives text as it's argument

  • It then converts the text into an array and iterates over each character,

  • In each iteration:

    • We check if the character is included in either of the @@LOWERCASE_LETTERS or @@UPPERCASE_LETTERS array with the use of the .include? method which takes the character as the argument
    • Then, we try to find the index of the character using array.index(character), this will return the numerical index of the letter in the array.
    • Depending on whether we are encrypting or decrypting, we will add or subtract respectively. Now, since when we add the key, it will make the array much larger than it's length, we need to find the modular 26 (length of the array) of the (array.index(character) + key), this will make sure the number which we will receive is less than the length of the array.
    • We then use the number we received as an index to fetch the encrypted character

Using The Cipher

So in order to use the class we just created, we need to create an instance of it.
Remember the class takes the key as the constructor

cipher =
puts cipher.encrypt("Sentence") #=>Pbkqbkzb
puts cipher.decrypt("Pbkqbkzb") #=> Sentence

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Happy Coding😆

Top comments (3)

gerbosan profile image
Carlos A.

if @@UPPERCASE_LETTERS.include? x
can be replaced with:
if x.match?(/[A-Z]/)
and the other conditional could be:
if x.match?(/[a-z]/)

the formula to find the appropriate replacement is interesting. Doesn't have to use .ord and .chr

that's right, if you have to cipher words, instead of split you can use chars that also changes the word to an array, or use each_char to pass each character to a block.

It is a nice option, check the documentation for info:

Asking/showing your answer in Ruby channel in Discord helps too. Helped me realize I have a long way to go... still, the fun is walking that path. =D

Keep on rocking!

niiazalydzhumaliev profile image
Niiazaly Dzhumaliev

Nice implementation of Caesar cipher.
Let me ask one question, is it necessary to use to_a method, because split itself returns an array of characters?

lubiah profile image
Lucretius Biah • Edited

I just realized😅, it isn't necessary