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What is Wordle Game and how to play it.

Wordle is an online word-guessing game that has recently become popular. The game is simple, yet addictive, and can be played for free on the official Wordle website. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to play the game and some tips on how to improve your gameplay.

How to Play Wordle

To start playing Wordle, simply go to the official website at Once you're there, you'll see a blank row of five boxes, each representing a letter in the hidden word. Your goal is to guess the hidden word in six attempts or less.

To make a guess, type in a five-letter word and hit "Enter." If a letter in your guess matches a letter in the hidden word and is in the correct position, it will be highlighted in green. If a letter in your guess matches a letter in the hidden word but is not in the correct position, it will be highlighted in yellow. If a letter in your guess is not in the hidden word, it will be grayed out.

Based on the feedback you receive, you can use the process of elimination and logic to guess the correct word. If you correctly guess the word, the game will display a message that says "You win!" and show you the hidden word. If you run out of attempts before guessing the word, the game will display a message that says "You lose!" and show you the hidden word.

Tips for Playing Wordle

Here are some tips that can help you improve your gameplay and increase your chances of guessing the hidden word:

Use the process of elimination: Start by guessing a word that uses different letters than your previous guess. This can help you eliminate some letters and narrow down your options for the next guess.

Look for patterns: If you receive feedback that includes both green and yellow boxes, try to identify the pattern that the letters share. This can help you determine which letters are in the correct position and which letters are not.

Be strategic: When you're down to your last few guesses, try to make a guess that eliminates as many possibilities as possible. This can give you a better chance of guessing the correct word with your final attempt.

Play with friends: Wordle can be a fun game to play with friends, as you can take turns guessing the hidden word and competing to see who can guess it with fewer attempts.


Wordle is a fun and addictive game that can be played for free on the official website. With six attempts to guess the hidden word, it's a game that requires logic and deduction skills. By using the process of elimination, looking for patterns, and being strategic, you can improve your chances of guessing the correct word and winning the game. So, give it a try and see if you can guess the hidden word in six attempts or less!

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