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NextJS Authentication Boilerplate from "scratch"

This is a submission for the Neon Open Source Starter Kit Challenge : Ultimate Starter Kit

My Kit

Most developers, who create apps with NextJs have been faced by the need to create authentication for their apps. There are many outsourced solutions out there, like Next Auth and Clerk. The disadvantage with these is that they are highly abstracted and you don't get to know how everything works. Sometimes it's difficult to solve some issues you have on the code. I created this boilerplate auth app to help developers everywhere to start NextJs projects that need authentication a little faster. I have also been careful to use free or very cheap resources.

Link to Kit

This is the link to my kit, more documentation can be found there.
My Kit

Your Journey

For my stack I used NextJS, Neon Database, Prisma Client and Facebook OAuth, Google OAuth and Twilio for SMS verification.

It has been really exciting working on this project and I have learnt a lot. Some of the things I have learnt include:

  • How oAuth works
  • I sent my first SMS using an API (twilio verify)
  • I understood callbacks more and how, same site parameter affects a callback url
  • I understood working with OR in PRISMA CLIENT

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