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Discussion on: Good habits, good code quality

louislow profile image
Louis Low

Many startup companies that I joined in my country hate me because I am too discipline to prevent them to write shitty and sloppy codes. Every time I look at their codes, either existing or new project, I always say Motherfuck in my head. One thing particular is they love making product presentations like fairytales in front of the stakeholders or to their audience. But the product, in reality, sucks in every single way.

dvddpl profile image
Davide de Paolis

Yep. i guess that could be a problem in many startup that are alwasy rushing and moving from Prototypes to MVP to Fullfledge App in a matter of weeks ( and with the same code base.. )

kretaceous profile image
Abhijit Hota

I feel this. I'm not the neatest code writer but I always try to write it properly, albeit of the process being slow.

And by proper I don't mean the most efficient way to do it. As the quote from Coding Horror, we've to refactor it in the end.

But the thing you're implementing now should at least be compatible and sane enough to be used by the rest of the team.

Don't necessarily look for optimal solutions but always try to look for clean ones. You'll find the best ones along the way.

psiho profile image
Mirko Vukušić • Edited

I've heard too many discussions in my life, between my employees, who and what is more important, developer, designer, sales, management. Usually they had similar tone to your post (rant?). However, in reality, company or a startup project) is so much more than any individual part of it. Sorry, but i dont get tolerance, nor any effort to see a wider picture from your post. Clean code in most cases is desirable, but not in 100% of cases. It's impossible to judge based on the data in your post. But thats not even the most important part. Your comment on their sales and presentation of the product just sounds really bad. What other than that you expect? That they market it as a junk? Id say their sails does great job!

From perspective of a person in this business for 30 years, worked everything from junior developer, over project manager to CEO and owner, my guess is that companies you mention don't have issues with your clean code ideas, but with a way how you present them and (maybe) try to enforce them in the company.

louislow profile image
Louis Low

Well, thanks for the compliment. I love my rant. Which makes me a better veteran electronic and software engineer. Please... Do not hire me if any chances.