DEV Community

Discussion on: How do you stay motivated with your side projects?

loki profile image
Loki Le DEV

I would say pick a project that you really really want to do, don't do a project just for the sake of doing a side project. If you are having a hard time to motivate try to put a deadline, like I should release the V1 of the app in one month, or mini milestones like "this feature should be done by sunday".
Personnaly for me it's often hard to start but once I've started working I'm in the flow and I keep going. So I set small objectives, small changes that I want to implement so I can say to myself "I'll just do this small step and then I can stop if I want.

So I agree with properly cutting your features in small manageable tasks and tracking them helps a lot.

jwkicklighter profile image
Jordan Kicklighter

Like Derek Sivers said, "If you're not saying 'HELL YEAH' about something, say 'No''"