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Flutter ListView example with ListView.builder

Flutter ListView example with ListView.builder

In this tutorial, we're gonna build a Flutter App that shows a ListView. We are using ListView.builder constructor that creates items when they are scrolled onto the screen. The ListView also supports removing item from the list.

More Practice:


Flutter App

We will build a Flutter App that can display a List of Post objects, we can also click on the circle Remove Button to delete a Post from the List. This will update the UI immediately because we use StatefulWidget.


List of items with ListView

Initialize the List

We will implement initState() method and call setState() to initialize the List.

class ListViewApp extends StatefulWidget {
  _ListViewState createState() => new _ListViewState();

class _ListViewState extends State {
  final List items = new List();

  void initState() {
    setState(() {
      items.add(new Post(...));
      items.add(new Post(...));
      // ...
Use ListView.builder

To display items on the List, we need to render each Object as a Widget.
So we use ListView.builder with itemBuilder callback that returns built-in ListTile Widget for visual structure.

More at:

Flutter ListView example with ListView.builder

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