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Megan Lee for LogRocket

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Decoupling monoliths into microservices with feature flags

Written by Kayode Adeniyi✏️

"Monolith" is a term to describe a software architecture where an application is constructed as a single, indivisible unit. In this architecture, all components are tightly coupled and interdependent.

The monolithic approach has been foundational in application development since the early 1960s when it was initially employed in batch processing software for mainframe computers. Its significance persisted into the late 90s, particularly in enterprise software where server-side code often remained monolithic despite client-server computing that separated the interface from business logic. Frameworks like Ruby on Rails, which prioritizes convention over configuration, have further popularized monolithic architecture.

However, as codebases and user bases expand, significant challenges have emerged with monoliths. Issues such as scalability, code complexity, and deployment bottlenecks have increasingly hampered the efficient delivery and maintenance of software, prompting the exploration of alternative architectures.

Microservices architecture has emerged as a solution to many of these challenges, offering enhanced scalability and easing deployment bottlenecks. Despite its advantages, transitioning from monolithic to microservices architecture presents substantial challenges, primarily the complexity of decoupling a tightly integrated application.

In this article, we will explore how to effectively break down a monolithic application into microservices using feature flags and Flagsmith as the feature flagging tool. We will demonstrate building a monolithic Node.js backend, decoupling it into microservices, and transitioning API requests from the monolith to microservices using feature flagging in a local environment.

Usually, the first question in the quest to convert a monolith application into microservices is…

How to decouple an application

The difficulty of decoupling a monolith application depends upon multiple factors, such as the codebase size, complexity of the code, programming language, business logic, and major functionalities that an application performs. The impact of these criteria will vary across applications, so it must be considered on a case-by-case basis.

To better understand this, let's create a demo for a monolith application we want to convert into divisible units based on the decoupling criteria.

Monolith demo: The bookshop use case

Let's assume the basic functionalities of a monolith application representing a bookshop where users can register themselves, search for books, add books to a cart, and buy audiobook subscriptions.

Due to their successful business and the audiobook feature, bookshop sales have started to increase and the shop's user base is increasing weekly. Due to the increased traffic, the shop has started to face downtimes that might affect its sales. Therefore, the platform has decided to migrate to microservices to keep things stable. This will take time, effort, and most importantly, a plan for how to migrate their application to microservices.

Plan for decoupling

Step 1: Identify bounded contexts First, we need to understand and define the different "zones" or bounded contexts within the bookshop. Let's break it down:

  • User Management: Registration, login, user profiles
  • Product Catalog: Product listings, categories, inventory
  • Shopping Cart: Adding/removing items, viewing cart
  • Order Processing: Checkout, order tracking
  • Payment Processing: Handling payments

Step 2: Create microservice boundaries Next, we'll create a separate microservice for each bounded context:

  1. User Service: Manages everything related to users
  2. Product Service: Handles products and inventory
  3. Cart Service: Manages the shopping cart
  4. Order Service: Processes orders
  5. Payment Service: Processes payments

Step 3: Database decoupling Each microservice will have its own database, which will ensure service independence and bring clarity to data ownership. Step 4: Develop APIs for communication Each microservice will have its own REST APIs for inter-service communication, making the services loosely coupled. Step 5: Gradual revamping and migration The monolith application will be revamped gradually and deployed in parallel to the monolith application, starting from the less critical services to minimize the risk and blast radius if something crashes. Example: Decoupling the Product Catalog

  1. Extract product logic: Move product management logic to the new Product Service
  2. Set up product database: Create a separate database for product data
  3. Develop product API: Create an API for product operations (CRUD)
  4. Refactor monolithic code: Write new product management code as a separate service parallel to the monolith
  5. Test: Test the product service independently and with other parts of the monolith
  6. Deploy: Deploy the Product Service and monitor its performance

Repeat this process for each microservice. Step 6: Implement inter-service communication In this step, we'll use REST APIs and, where necessary, messaging queues (like RabbitMQ) for inter-service communication. Example: Order Service and Product Service interaction

  • The Order Service calls the Product Service API to check product availability before placing an order
  • If an item is available, the Order Service proceeds with the order processing

As you can see, a generalized plan can be very useful for application migrations from old architectures to new ones, but the challenges continue to emerge after converting a monolith to a microservice.

And that is…

The issue of re-routing API requests

One of the great challenges with converting a monolith to a microservice is initiating the re-routing of API requests to the new application in production. This comes with the risk of disruption to existing services and a bad user experience that might increase the bounce rate for an application, so it must be handled very efficiently with minimal downtime. To achieve this, there are many strategies that we can employ, such as Blue/Green or canary deployments, and feature flagging.

In the following sections, we will explore how feature flagging can help us re-route API requests.

Feature flagging as a tool in application migration

When transitioning from monolithic architectures to microservices, feature flagging is a critical tool. It allows developers to toggle features on or off in a live application without deploying new code, enhancing flexibility and control over the release process. This method supports risk mitigation, and gradual migration, and facilitates continuous integration and delivery, making it essential for modern software development practices.

Feature flagging offers benefits such as:

  • Controlled traffic routing: Feature flagging helps control the routing of API requests between monoliths and microservices, enabling robust testing to validate the operation of microservice endpoints without disrupting the entire system
  • Incremental migration: It also enables you to incrementally migrate individual features or endpoints. You can move a small part of the functionality to a microservice, enable the corresponding feature flag, and verify its operation before proceeding with further migration
  • Risk mitigation: Even after all the precautionary measures, there is always a chance of something crashing after such migrations. Therefore, risk mitigation is imperative at such times. If a new service encounters issues, you can quickly disable the feature flag and route the traffic back to the monolith version without requiring a rollback
  • A/B testing for microservices: Feature flags also allow us to perform A/B testing on microservices. You can route a portion of the traffic to the new microservice while keeping the rest on the monolith, comparing performance and reliability before fully committing

Now that we have a holistic view of feature flags' capabilities, let’s use them in the coming section.

The lab: Decoupling a sample Node monolith into microservices

In this lab, you will first create a sample Node.js backend in a monolith manner that has endpoints for managing users and orders. Next, you will create an api-gateway and integrate the Flagsmith SDK with it, decouple the monolith functionality into microservices, and finally dockerize the whole application to run and test it.

To follow along, you will need an understanding of the following:

  • Node.js and the Express server
  • JavaScript
  • Docker and Docker Compose

First, we need to create a project on Flagsmith. Create a (free) account and sign in to Flagsmith here, which should only take a couple of minutes. After signing in, create a new project as shown below: Creating A New Flagsmith Project I have named it “mono-to-micro,” but you can use whatever name you like.

Next, create two feature flags for your microservices as follows: Creating Two Feature Flags For Your Microservices Fetch the Environment Key for SDK integration from the SDK Keys section in the left menu bar. You will have to generate a server-side environment key and keep it safe:

Generating A Server-Side Environment Key In Flagsmith

Now we have everything we need to start working…

Coding the project

Create a folder and name it monolith with the following command:

mkdir monolith
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├── docker-compose.yml
├── microservices/
│   ├── api-gateway/
│   ├── order-service/
│   └── user-service/
└── monolith/
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N.B., when initializing the projects below, remember to input app.js in the entry point field to override the default name index.js, because we are using app.js in this guide.

Next, create a Node project and run the following command:

yarn init
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In the package.json file, add a scripts object as follows:

"scripts": {
   "start": "node app.js",
   "test": "nodemon app.js"
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Create an app.js file in the root of the directory and add the following code:

// app.js
const express = require("express");
const app = express();
const port = 3000;

// Hardcoded data
const users = [
  { id: 1, name: "Alice" },
  { id: 2, name: "Bob" },
  { id: 3, name: "Charlie" },

const orders = [
  { id: 1, item: "Laptop", quantity: 1, userId: 1 },
  { id: 2, item: "Phone", quantity: 2, userId: 2 },
  { id: 3, item: "Book", quantity: 3, userId: 3 },

// Routes
app.get("/users", (req, res) => {
  console.log("User list from monolith app", users);

app.get("/orders", (req, res) => {
  console.log("Order list from monolith app", orders);

app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`Monolith listening at http://localhost:${port}`);
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Then, run the following command to install some essential dependencies:

yarn add express nodemon
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In the same directory, create a Dockerfile and add the following code:

FROM node:18-alpine
RUN apk --no-cache add \
    bash \
    g++ \
WORKDIR /usr/app
COPY package.json .
RUN yarn install
COPY . .
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Now that your sample monolith application has been built with some endpoints and hardcoded data, you can test the application endpoint by running the following command:

yarn test
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This is the expected output:

Testing The Application Endpoint

To test the endpoints, open Postman and hit the following endpoints: orders-endpoint: http://localhost:3000/orders users-endpoint: http://localhost:3000/users This is the expected output for user-service: Users-Service Output And this is the expected outcome for order-service:

Orders-Service Output

We have successfully tested the monolith application, so now it is time to convert it into microservices. We will be decoupling the application based on functionalities. Currently, the monolith application can be divided into two distinct functionalities: first, the order service, which will handle orders and provide hardcoded data for orders, and second, the user service, which will provide hardcoded user data.

As you can see, the microservices we are building will each be responsible for a single task (this is one of the core principles of decoupling a monolith application).

Let's continue coding…

Creating the orders service

Alongside the monolith directory, create a new directory named microservices and inside it, create a Node.js order-service project by running the following commands:

mkdir order-service
cd order-service
yarn init
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Run the following command to install some essential dependencies:

yarn add express nodemon
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In the package.json file, add a scripts object as follows:

"scripts": {
   "start": "node app.js",
   "test": "nodemon app.js"
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Create an app.js file in the root of the directory and add the following code:

// app.js
const express = require("express");
const app = express();
const port = 3002;

const orders = [
  { id: 1, item: "Laptop", quantity: 1, userId: 1 },
  { id: 2, item: "Phone", quantity: 2, userId: 2 },
  { id: 3, item: "Book", quantity: 3, userId: 3 },

app.get("/orders", (req, res) => {
  console.log("Order list from microservice app", orders);

app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`Order Microservice listening at http://localhost:${port}`);
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In the same directory, create a Dockerfile and add the following code:

FROM node:18-alpine
RUN apk --no-cache add \
    bash \
    g++ \
WORKDIR /usr/app
COPY package.json .
RUN yarn install
COPY . .
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Creating the users service

Now let's create the user-service. It will be created in the same directory as the order-service, with nearly everything being the same except for the endpoints. Therefore, replicate the previous steps used to create the order-service and replace the app.js file with the following code:

// app.js
const express = require("express");
const app = express();
const port = 3001;

// Hardcoded data
const users = [
  { id: 1, name: "Alice" },
  { id: 2, name: "Bob" },
  { id: 3, name: "Charlie" },

// Routes
app.get("/users", (req, res) => {
  console.log("User list from microservice app", users);

app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`User microservice listening at http://localhost:${port}`);
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Creating the api-gateway service

In this last step, our api-gateway will act as an interface to interact with our microservices and will be integrated with the Flagsmith SDK.

Because this will be a Node.js application, replicate the previous steps taken to create the microservices and replace the entry-point file (app.js) with the following code. Remember to Dockerize it because we will be running all our services from docker-compose:

// app.js
const express = require("express");
const axios = require("axios");
const Flagsmith = require("flagsmith-nodejs");
const app = express();
const port = 8080;

const flagsmith = new Flagsmith({
  environmentKey: "",

// Users route
app.get("/users", async (req, res) => {

  const flags = await flagsmith.getEnvironmentFlags();
  var isEnabled = flags.isFeatureEnabled("use_user_microservice");

  if (isEnabled) {
    const response = await axios.get("http://user-service:3001/users");
    console.log("Response from user microservice",;

else {
    const response = await axios.get("http://monolith-service:3000/users");
    console.log("Response from monolith service",;

// Orders route
app.get("/orders", async (req, res) => {

  const flags = await flagsmith.getEnvironmentFlags();
  var isEnabled = flags.isFeatureEnabled("use_order_microservice");

  if (isEnabled) {
    const response = await axios.get("http://order-service:3002/orders");
    console.log("Response from order microservice",;

  } else {
    const response = await axios.get("http://monolith-service:3000/orders");
    console.log("Response from monolith service",;

app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`API Gateway listening at http://localhost:${port}`);
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Brief explanation of api-gateway

The above code has two GET functions: one fetches the user data and the other fetches the order data. The routing decisions are based on the flag value fetched from Flagsmith. If the flag returns true, the traffic will be routed toward microservices. Otherwise, it will continue to hit the monolith application.

The flags I created in my account for both services were as follows:
1. use_user_microservices
2. use_order_microservices
For Flagsmith SDK to work, you must add the SDK key created from your account and use it in the code.

Creating the docker-compose file

To run both the monolith and microservices in parallel, we will need to write a docker-compose file for better visibility and control. We’ll run all four services as Docker containers and then shift our API requests using the Flagsmith SDK, which we integrated in the previous step.

Create a docker-compose file where the directories, monolith, and microservices are located, and copy the following code:

version: "3"

    build: ./microservices/api-gateway
    container_name: api-gateway
    command: yarn start
    hostname: api-gateway
    restart: always
      - 8080:8080

    build: ./monolith
    container_name: monolith-service
    command: yarn start
    hostname: monolith-service
    restart: always

    build: ./microservices/user-service/
    container_name: user-service
    command: yarn start
    hostname: user-service
    restart: always

    build: ./microservices/order-service/
    container_name: order-service
    command: yarn start
    hostname: order-service
    restart: always
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Now, run the following command and all the containers will start:

docker compose up -d –build
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This is the expected output:

Docker Containers Output

All the servers are running and now we can see the feature flagging of Flagsmith in action.

Currently, both our flags are off, so if you hit an API, the gateway will forward the request to the monolith application. To quickly test it, run a curl command on the api-gateway endpoint like this:

curl http://localhost:8080/users
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The request will be routed to the monolith container as seen in the output below:

Routing The Request To The Monolith Container

Verify it, open the container logs of api-gateway, and you will see a similar response to the one shown above.

Now let's go to Flagsmith and turn on the feature flag for user-service:

Toggling On The Feature Flag For User-Service In Flagsmith

We’re testing the same endpoint again, but this time if you open the api-gateway container logs, you will see a different prompt showing that the request was forwarded to the microservice instead of the monolith app:

The Request Has Been Forwarded To The Microservice Instead Of The Monolith App

As you can see, the feature flagging is in action; we just routed endpoint traffic from monolith to microservice in a flash.

Currently, the flag for order-service is turned off, which means that if we hit the orders endpoint from our api-gateway, we should get a response from the monolith application instead of the microservice. Try hitting the following endpoint and observing the output in the api-gateway logs:

curl http://localhost:8080/orders
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Here is the expected output:

Observing API-Gateway Logs

As you can see, we have successfully used Flagsmith’s feature flagging functionality to migrate an API request from the monolith to the microservices. Although this is a small-scale representation, the concept can be replicated and used in production environments, such as in Kubernetes to expose endpoints and services to the user base that have recently been revamped to microservices.

Flagsmith’s feature flagging can be very helpful in mitigating downtime during migrations, performing A/B testing, and facilitating canary deployments.


In this article, we covered a brief history of application architectures and explored the emergence of microservice architecture. We also created a bookshop web app to demonstrate the practical application of these concepts.

Throughout the demonstration, we covered the issue of rerouting traffic and how Flagsmith can help solve this problem. Finally, we implemented a demo application in which we saw how Flagsmith’s feature flagging can come in handy to reroute traffic from a monolith to microservices in a local environment, which can act as a reference for similar implementations in a production environment.

To read more about Flagsmith, check out the official documentation to get started.

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