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What is confusing about platforms?

The most confusing part about platforms in my opinion as someone who has just been introduced to them in the past 1-2 years is simply all of the different components that go into creating platforms. I feel that if I don't know exactly how each little part works then I am at a disadvantage. While this may be true, I also think that breaking them up into the individual parts and looking at them that way would be a great way to get better at the entire scope of it.

How could web components and VanillaJS standards be taught in a way that is more approachable?

For web components and VanillaJS standards, I think the best way for myself to be taught these things would be actually hands-on work or watching other people work with these standards. By watching someone else work with them correctly, I think you can gain confidence in your own work.

What did you find easiest to work with on 1st stab? (You don't have to say web components, this is an honest take, if it was Vue cool, but justify it)

I am trying to remember which one I did my first stab with and I believe it was react. I remember kind of doing a test run for Angular, Vue, and React and ran into some problems with Angular and couldn't figure out Vue whatsoever. However, React was the simplest to comprehend.

Think back on the tooling. What parts were confusing? What clicked with you immediately?

Something that clicked with me right away, which I had not been told in any programming class until this one, was the use of the internet. I know this is very broad, but when it came down to me having to implement something that I had 0 clue how to do, a quick search almost always gave me back the results I wanted.

What additional readings did you have to do in order to make sense of things.

Many many stackoverflow articles.
Plus looking at other peoples work online that was similar to my project at hand.

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