DEV Community

Lee Jones
Lee Jones

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Configuring Selenium in Codeception on OSX

Installing Selenium

This turns out to be a really simple task using brew.

    brew install selenium-server-standalone

Installing Chromedriver

    brew tap homebrew/cask
    brew cask install chromedriver

Configuring Codeception

Tho old acceptance.suite.yml:

    actor: AcceptanceTester
            - PhpBrowser:
            url: http://devsite.local
            - \Helper\Acceptance

Updated to use selenium:

    actor: AcceptanceTester
            - WebDriver:
                url: http://devsite.local
                browser: chrome
            - \Helper\Acceptance

Running Tests

First, fire up selenium:

    selenium-server -port 4444

Then run your tests (assuming composer install):

    vendor/bin/codecept run

At this point you should see the browser pop up and start responding to invisible fingers.

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