DEV Community

Julian Li
Julian Li

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GitHub Trending Insight

GitHub Trending is a great place to explore popular repositories. However, I sometimes feel frustrated because it doesn't provide an API for accessing historical data. That's why I created this website GitHub Trending Insight, which captures daily data from GitHub Trending."

Now we can

  1. Get some insights based on historical data.
  2. Know the most popular repositories among the trending repositories by different filters.
  3. Embed the trending repository badge in the repository README or your website. (For example, -> click Embed badge)
  4. Search trending repositories and view the history of their rankings.


I will focus on the following items, and then I will consider the MVP done:

  1. Trending Developers and Developer Badge
  2. Branding

The source code

I use Nextjs for the frontend work and Go as the backend language. I made those repositories public, feel free to raise issues or send me PRs.

Lastly, I hope you enjoy this site and have some fun!

Top comments (1)

zacksff profile image
zakaria saif

Yow great idea, great