DEV Community

Discussion on: Tailwindcss is beautiful 👌

liviufromendtest profile image
Liviu Lupei • Edited

Help me understand.

If someone doesn't want to write pure CSS, why would they use Tailwind CSS?

Why don't they just use a no-code tool like Webflow to build a complex website?

Because I feel like Tailwind CSS helps you work 10% faster, but it reduces your flexibility with maybe 60%.

But using some complex no-code website builder helps you work 90% faster, while reducing your flexibility with 60%.

And yes, I know writing code feels cool, we all like to feel like hackers, typing away in our dark terminals.

I'm just trying to understand from a productivity point of view.

dyland profile image
Dylan Davenport

I’ve started using WebFlow for my freelance clients and it’s been a nightmare. I’ve used other similar tools such as WordPress and Drupal and in my experience those tools lower both my flexibility and productivity. Also if I need something a bit more complex I’m going to have to end up writing PHP or JS code anyways which takes even more time.

For me personally I use Tailwind more for the responsive styles so I save time by not having to write tons of media queries. I can also configure Tailwind to my liking which adds to its flexibility.