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Chaitanya Prabuddha
Chaitanya Prabuddha

Posted on • Originally published at codegram.Medium

Top 20 Tips that will change your coding skills forever

In this small article, I am going to talk about my top 20 tips that can change your coding forever. This article is a summary of all the points, Enjoy-

1.Break big pieces of code into small functions, which make it easy for you to improve your code quality.

2.Do Not Overthink.

3.Don't take stress of any problem that you were unable to fix.

4.Make sure to see other people's code and let others see your code.

5.If you can' solve a problem, just copy-paste with google, its the best way to solve it.

6.Read documentation of languages.

7.Take rest regularly, it helps your brain to focus.

8.Use integration tools and automate as much as you can.

9.Practice as much as you can, practice makes a man perfect.

10.Don't shy for asking help.

11.Be focused on what you do.

12.Never choose an inefficient shortcut way to save a few minutes.

13.Users are not technical people. Think about it when you develop your UI/Design.

14.Log all critical parts rather than to debug it.

15.Learn as much as you can, Don’t stop learning.

16.Be Consistent.

17.Take time to choose you IDE, try to find the best one for you.

18.Try writing readable code, as you are the only one who will fix it in future.

19.Don't Remember the code, just learn the logic and you are good to go.

20.patience and love what you do.


*Finally this big topic is over now, Now I would like to talk about my Newsletter -

I have started a newsletter in which you will get Email twice a week directly from me. I will send you latest tech, coding & Other useful information. I will also be spending a one riddle each time and the first to complete the riddle will get a small gift from me*

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Top comments (6)

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald • Edited

.If you can' solve a problem, just copy-paste with google, its the best way to solve it.

Dear merciful heavens, NO! NEVER copy-paste. If you're going to use code you found, retype it and understand it completely. Failing to do so introduces technical debt (bad!), increases the likelihood of bugs you won't know how to solve, and stunts your growth as a developer.

It's okay to use code found online, but you should always take the time to understand it.

On that note...

Try writing readable code, as you are the only one who will fix it in future.

In practice, you are probably not the only one who will fix it in the future. For production code, someone else is going to have to wrap their head around your code sooner or later. Even more reason to make it readable.

line profile image
Chaitanya Prabuddha

I actually wanna mean that only, don't just copy and paste, memorize it also!

albertpak profile image

100% "Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live."

ryencode profile image
Ryan Brown

Turns out the next guy for me.... is usually me. And this is true.

line profile image
Chaitanya Prabuddha


line profile image
Chaitanya Prabuddha
