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Side Hustle Ideas for Developers in 2024

Travis on May 19, 2024

Are you a software engineer eager to turn your skills into profitable side hustles? The possibilities for making money online are endless, and I ...
tomascorderoiv profile image
Tomas Cordero • Edited

I think most of these are great but they also require lots of marketing behind them (or to go viral) to get them to take off

lilxyzz profile image

I completely agree. Every project needs marketing to get off the ground. The idea behind this post was to share some ideas and potentially inspire others.

furqan_hameed_0ceab752367 profile image
Furqan Hameed

Then how can a mid level developer can create a worthy product?
And marketing costs is very high to be successful

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lilxyzz profile image

I believe it all starts with a great idea. The product's worth will ultimately be determined by its effectiveness and the response from end users. While there are ways to secure a marketing budget, that's not my focus here.

jojomondag profile image
Josef Nobach

Marketing is as valuable a skill as development it feels like now a days : )

lilxyzz profile image

I'm with you on this one, Josef!

hellooojoe profile image

Name on product or service that doesn't require marketing to take off?

aliminurudeen profile image
Nurudeen Alimi

Worrying about marketing won't make you build anything worthy of marketing, the product comes before marketing.

devluc profile image

Great suggestions Travis for side or even full time income. I enjoyed checking them out

lilxyzz profile image

Thank you for the kind words!

sunilfgh profile image
Sunil kumar Dubey

Nice content! !

lilxyzz profile image

Thank you :)

mrfahid profile image
Shah Fahid

That's great I am asking you a question How do I start? I am a frontend developer I learned HTML CSS JavaScript React JS tailwind CSS how I started my career in tech. like open-source blogging website templates and plugins SaaS or Micro-SaaS Products.

ashbrandsthat profile image
Ashley Martinez

Thanks for the insight! For future reference if you think outside the box when it comes to things like marketing budgets for instance you can always make it happen if you're dedicated. FYI I am a marketing whiz soon to be world renowned guru LOL always open to collating on a developers project to hero it gain traction in exchange for a piece of the pie!!

jitendrachoudhary profile image
Jitendra Choudhary

Nice read Travis!! but all of this requires a lot of converging focus and time, most people want to have low effort high gains item just like fast food

dancemove_marscode profile image

Nice content! Maybe you can recommand some tools or platforms to build you idea to product

eudoh940 profile image
Emmanuel Udoh

Well said

vasilis_karvelas_e23a51d8 profile image
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Vasilis Karvelas

Actually, this could be a bullet list, it is not an article...

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