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Things you must know about Python strings

Python strings let you work with text. If you define text e.g. Python string, you can do so in two ways:

>>> s = 'abc'
>>> s
>>> s = "abc"
>>> s

So single quoted string is the same as double quoted. You can be use this interchangeably, but preferably just pick one.

You can even introduce quotes inside the strings:

      >>> 'abc "d'," abc'd "
      ( 'abc "d'," abc'd ")

Python can automatically merge strings. To do so you should use a + instead of a comma. A comma will give you a tuple.

So not this:

>>> s = "hello ","world"
>>> s
('hello ', 'world')

Also, in the above example: the comma in the middle of the string, so the final form is a tuple rather than a string

But this concatenates strings:

>>> s = "hello " + "world"
>>> s
'hello world'

Use the escape character for special characters

Python supports many special characters. An escape character starts with a slash.

>>> print('hello\nhello\n',end='')

Common escape characters:

Escape sense
\ Continuous, then the top line
\ Backslash
\' Single quotes
\" Double quotes
\n Newline
\a Bell
\b back
\f feed
\r returned
\t horizontal tab
\v vertical tab
\n{id} unicode database id
\Uhhhh unicode16 bit hexadecimal value
\Uhhhh unicode32 bit hexadecimal value
\Xhh hexadecimal values
\Ooo octal value
\0 Null

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