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Cool things you can do with Sass - Part 1

Love Huria on April 20, 2018

I have been using Sass for like past two years and now I’m a huge fan. Even though we were doing pretty much alright with writing CSS but it never ...
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Benjamin Modayil 👨‍💻 • Edited

My favorite thing to do in SCSS is to generate utility classes with an each loop:

$colors: (
  'transparent': transparent,
  'black': #292929,
  'white': #ffffff,
  'text': #292929,
  'red': #ff545a,
  'blue': #2b3947

@each $color, $classColor in $colors {
  .text-#{$color} {
    color: #{$classColor};

  .bg-#{$color} {
    background-color: #{$classColor};

Also, if you add "scss" after your initial three tilda marks for your code snippets you'll get syntax highlighting for this article.

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Love Huria

Absolutely, creating utility classes is one the handiest things we can do in SCSS.
I'll be covering loops, functions in my next blog post.

Thanks a ton for the syntax highlighting thing, I am kinda new here. :)

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Benjamin Modayil 👨‍💻 • Edited

No problem! The syntax highlighting thing I mentioned generally travels for a bunch of websites using markdown as long as the developer included the correct package for the stylings.

Great article! Looking forward to your follow up!