DEV Community

[Comment from a deleted post]
lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

Try not to take up too many topics at once or the burn out might be closer than you'd wish.

Also, even though you are experienced as a developer, you're not experienced in react - yet. Don't expect yourself not to have to learn it like everyone else. Maybe you'll even find a mentor to ease the start. Once you've got the hang of a few basic concepts (JSX, memoization, render cycles), you'll be fine.

cyprian_dev profile image

I've previewed the tutorial, it is something i can do..I've never used a mentor and i don't even need one untill maybe I'm working with a's just that sometimes I'm overwhelmed too by how far I've carried myself and the amount of stress I've passed through and wondering how much more I'll have to in the future...thank you very very much, I'm up and going, learning ways of coping and relaxing instead of pushing myself too hard.