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New adventures as DevRel 🤓

Hello world!

Updates: I am excited to be complementing my passions for tech and building community!
Although, I have been involved in tech communities since 2014, and formerly started leading and building communities since 2018, I am excited to share that these last months, I have been working as Developer Relations (also known as Developer Advocated, evangelist for others!) 🥑

Being a DevRel is not always easy or smooth while planning different activities, but it is fun, for sure. Moreover being a DevRel at a startup has extra levels of difficulty, however it is an interesting challenge!


This July, I am excited for joining Qovery ! A great startup that is helping tons of devs to deploy better and faster! 🌪️ Let’s make the cloud simple again!

Qovery has a vibrant community! devs are engaged sharing their projects, questions, suggestions! I feel super happy to hangout with such energetic people!
And also this week, we hold the community call 📲
I do really appreciate when a startup (or any business, entrepreise) is open to teach/listen from first hand to its community!

Also, having so many resources for the community is very motivating! 🤓 From blogs, to forums, this community call, also the ambassadors program, the meetings/chat in discord, and more more!

I am really excited for this new challenge! 🙌 also for learning more about tech: cloud technologies, deployment, data science, as well as engaging with community, tech blogging, live coding 🤓

To infinity and beyond 🚀

Some interesting resources for DevRels:

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Nicolas Frankel
