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Discussion on: IDE’s are stuck in the past

leob profile image

Yeah but that's a completely different discussion, not everyone is using C#, a lot of people nowadays use JS both frontend and backend, whether by choice or imposed on them ... the fact that a program can be faster when you develop it in C#, or C, or Rust, or assembly, isn't relevant in the multitude of cases where you're not even free to choose your programming language.

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stojakovic99 profile image
Nikola Stojaković

And that's the exact issue. JS is used too much, even for the things where other solution would be more suitable.

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leob profile image
leob • Edited

I don't know if it's an issue, if it works it works ... VSCode is programmed in JS and I hear nobody complain about it, even though it might be a tiny bit faster or more efficient if it was coded in C/C++.

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stojakovic99 profile image
Nikola Stojaković

It's not that much of an issue, but once you have multiple Electron applications opened it can become a problem. Yes, we have much more memory available now but I prefer not to fill it up.

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leob profile image

Yeah that's true, Electron apps are memory hogs ... I have mostly one or two open, and with 16 GB RAM it's not an issue. But when I have a couple dozen Chrome tabs open as well then at some point I can see memory filling up and my computer getting noticeably hot. Oh well :-)

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eugenepisotsky profile image
Eugene Pisotsky

IDEA consumes much more memory than VSCode

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stojakovic99 profile image
Nikola Stojaković

IDEA is full-fledged IDE, VS Code isn't.

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leob profile image
leob • Edited

Oh I know, Java based IDEs like Eclipse, Netbeans, Jetbrains/IDEA/IntelliJ are such memory and CPU hungry beasts ... it felt like a huge relief when I dumped my Jetbrains IDE for VSCode, it's so much more lightweight.

Only when you're doing actual Java development does it make sense to use a Java based IDE.

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eugenepisotsky profile image
Eugene Pisotsky

Why isn't? Features like jump to definition, import suggestions, and so on are supported by LSP. Git, terminal, workspaces, extensions, what is missing?

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leob profile image

Nothing is missing ... I say VSCode is an IDE :-) but as lightweight as an "editor"

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stojakovic99 profile image
Nikola Stojaković

WebStorm provides better code inspection, refactoring, debugging and CVS functionalities by default (for example, catching unused promises), connection with Jira and many other stuff. It's diff tool is one of the best I've ever seen. Not to mention that all of this is available in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate so I can use same IDE for both Java and front-end development out of the box.

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leob profile image
leob • Edited

Yes, the git diff is quite good, I remember that, but most of the other features that you mention, well I just didn't use or need them. But I won't argue, I guess it just depends on your requirements and personal preferences.

What I like about VSCode is that it's really lightweight, and the utter simplicity of "project management" with VSCode - there just aren't any projects! You can cd to a directory somewhere in a terminal and type the command code . and then you just edit, in VSCode, right what's there ... sweet :-)

I guess the philosophy and the workflow of VSCode just suits me, but well just use what works for you, to each their own.

eugenepisotsky profile image
Eugene Pisotsky

Sure, I agree :)
It was the answer on Nikola's comment

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leob profile image

haha I understand, it gets confusing :-) and with this whole discussion I think that a number of distinct and unrelated issues are being mixed up, but anyway

leob profile image

"IDEA is full-fledged IDE, VS Code isn't" - well, when I do Javascript or PHP development with VSCode I'm not missing anything, nothing I'm aware of at least ... the only difference with IDEA is that VSCode just feels so much more lightweight and snappy (and on top of that it's free) ... swapped IDEA for VSCode two or three years ago, never looked back.

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stojakovic99 profile image
Nikola Stojaković • Edited

I moved from VS Code to WebStorm because I don't have to worry about setup and it has many features which I find very useful for which I would need to add bunch of extensions and spend whole day configuring. Also, it showed as much better solution for bigger projects, especially for refactoring. I don't mind spending a bit more money for good software.

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eugenepisotsky profile image
Eugene Pisotsky

Of course, there are some cool things in IDEA (I've been using it for 8+ years, so I know about it), but for example "full-fledged" IDE still doesn't support remote development ( and I can't event open different projects in the same window (switching between windows is very annoying). I'm not trying to say now, that one is better than the other, I'm saying that both have its own pros and cons, it's not fair to say that one is full-fledged and another one isn't only because it doesn't support features you need.

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stojakovic99 profile image
Nikola Stojaković • Edited

It is, because VS Code is not an IDE. Visual Studio is an IDE and IDEA is IDE, but VS Code is code editor. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but there is a difference between those two. I'm yet to see an IDE which can debug C# like VS.

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eugenepisotsky profile image
Eugene Pisotsky

What is the different between code editor and IDE? "catching unused promises"?

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stojakovic99 profile image
Nikola Stojaković

Have you ever used Visual Studio?

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eugenepisotsky profile image
Eugene Pisotsky

No, but I've used IDEA. You claim IDEA is an IDE and VSCode is not, and I'm trying to understand what's there so special that categorizes them like that