DEV Community

Discussion on: Do you merge branches locally or create pull requests for personal projects?

lehmannsystems profile image

I'm a big fan of making pull requests. Just gives me another view of my changes in Bitbucket/GitHub before I merge it into the master branch. Sometimes I catch things I don't while staring at it in the editor.

pedro profile image
Pedro M. M. • Edited

I second this.

I love PRs. I use them along with the issues as a public to-do list — for every new feature I create a new issue, create a new branch locally (with the name referencing the issue e.g. i345) and then when I finished I just push the new branch, create the corresponding PR solving the issue and I merge it to master if everything is ok.

Also I'd recommend this workflow to any open-source project. By doing public issues/PRs —even if you're the only contributor— you're exposing your features and creating public roadmaps/to-do lists to anyone who wants to contribute, discuss, etc. You're even encouraging your public to be part of the project.