It was mid of march when my company has asked me to start working from home due to covid-19.
As I was already spending 4 hrs in travelling daily. I thought why don't I utilize this time to learn something new.
So I decided to create 31 reusable components in react.
There was two things which pushed me to pick up this #31DaysOfReact challenge.
- As a frontend developer doing this will help to me polish my knowledge.
- I am a blogger and write articles about Javascript and DSA on So this will also be a good content for my blog.
Initially, I had ideas about 5 to 6 components which I started with but for the other components I looked up for generic components that are often used and created them.
It was not easy to create components and write a blog at the same time while working full time.
That is why it took me about 45 days to finish all the components.
But I really enjoyed a lot doing this and it was really amazing learning experience.
I learned about
- Frontend Development.
- Styling (CSS).
- React.
- Ref (How to update elements properties directly without using state).
- Thinking in react (How to create extendable components).
- Cross browser compatibility.
- Form handling.
- And more.
Here is the list of things I have created.
Form Elements
- Create custom button component in react
- Create input component in react
- Create checkbox in react
- Create radio group component in react
- Create checkbox group component in react
- Create file uploader in react
- Create select dropdown in react
- Toggle switch in react
- Login form component in react
Other Generic Components
- Create progress bar in react
- Pagination component in react
- Create accordion in react
- Create dropdown in react
- Create autocomplete search in react
- Sliding sidebar menu with hamburger in react
- Create tabs in react
- Create alert box in react
- Create modal component in react
- Create voice visualizer in react
- Lazy loading component in react
- Create slider in react
- React drag and drop list of elements
- React image zoom
- Create timeline in react
- Create scroll indicator in react
- Create tooltip in react
- Typing effect component in react
- Create loader component in react
- How to scroll to top in react
- Image comparison slider in react
- Create scrollspy in react
My favorite one are Image-Comparison-Slider and Typing-Effect-Component.
This is the github repo link
A list of different react general purpose components used often in front end development.
List of different components created in react.
This project uses create-react-app as a boilerplate and following is the listed instruction to run the app.
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
Available Scripts
In the project directory, you can run:
npm start
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
npm test
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.
npm run build
Builds the app for production to the build
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!
See the section about deployment for more information.
…If you think that these react components list has any worth then do share it with others. 🙏🙏
As the lockdown is still going on in India starting from 1st May I have decided to start a new challenge of #31DaysOfDSA in which I will be implementing and solving different data structures and algorithms in javascript.
You can follow this hashtag on twitter to learn along.
Also, follow me on Twitter for tips and tricks to solve the coding interviews and more solved examples of Algorithms. I write 2 - 3 post weekly on my blog
Top comments (16)
Have you considered accessibility for these components?
NO, I guess I have not.
I really appreciate your hard work on creating components from scratch and that will help you to grow. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Thanks 🙏.
Wuoo, awesome content dude!
Will be mark as a reading list to see later with more time.
Well this is impressive.... Nice Work!!!!
Thanks 🙏
React docs are pretty good, but if you want more detailed learning materials then check out fullstack react book from
Happy Coding!.
True productivity during the quarantine
Thanks 🙏
Great content buddy!
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks 🙏.
Awesome list of components!