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New Years Resolution - Dev Log 16

I have good news and great news. Good news first. The search functionality for the job board is essentially finished. It was a little more complicated than I thought it would be because I needed to find a way to handle the user inputting any number of filters. The user could just type in a title and hit search, or they can fill out every filter and hit search. So my solution had to account for all situations. I was able to manage this by querying for each filter separately if the backend received not null for that value. Then right after I get the jobs that match that filter, I remove from the running list of jobs I am making any jobs that do not match that current filter.

So if that is the good news, what's the GREAT news? I have been trying to figure out how I am going to use Redis in order to do geospatial searching. As it turns out, Redis OM does not have specific geo support yet. But here is the twist, while I was talking on the Redis discord with Guy Royse (A developer working on Redis OM), he said that geo support is just around the corner! The great news keeps coming, while I was also talking to the people from Redis support, the person who was giving me some A+ support knows about my blog! He said

"I am interested in learning more about your use case. I saw your daily code blogs and I am impressed by your determination to have a productive year"

When I read it, I ran around my tiny house like 3 times. I will leave you nameless for the sake of privacy, but if you read this, you made my week.

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