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New Years Resolution - Dev Log 15

It took an entire weekend and having to get support from the Redis discord, but my API route for removing job listings works. For some reason using Redis OM with Node, when you search out a record using the 'matches' function, you can not access the data on the record that was found. After I changed my schema so that I could use the 'equals' function, I could access the data on the record I found. With this, I was able to access the id of the record and remove that sucker.

I am really liking Redis OM, but the lack of documentation is a little annoying. At the moment, Redis OM is basically brand new, they even say it is not production-ready, but I am using it anyway. Now I currently have the get all job posts, remove a job post, and create a job post routes done. So I just need to implement search with filters. Once that is done, the bulk of the MVP is done.

I am excited because once that is done, I am going to make another YouTube video showing the project off before I add the final touches. After the video, I need to add in stripe for payment processing, and Mail-Gun to send out receipts. I think stripe has a receipt functionality, so I might be able to hold off on the Mail-Gun; that is if stripe lets me customize the receipt email. If not, then Mail-Gun it is. This is because I need to add the unique removal ID that is created upon a job posting to the receipt so that if the user wants to remove their job listing they can. Once all of that is finished, I move on to user input validation and other refinements like SEO, then I launch the MVP. So get excited people (I am aware that no one reads these lol), because I sure am!

If you have not checked out the video discussing the basic UI, please do:

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