DEV Community

Lauren Beatty
Lauren Beatty

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React Deep Dive: Introduction

Hi 👋

This year I've set out to better understand, and be able to articulate, React concepts.

Why 🤷‍♀️

I'm a Senior Frontend developer and a Team Lead. I've been working full-time with React for 2 years now. I often intuitively know what I need to do to accomplish something in React, but I find if I have to explain things from a technical perspective, my words are lacking.

Method 🛠️

  1. Read the React docs and explore related material 30 minutes every weekday.📚

  2. Write down my notes! For me, writing helps to solidify my learning. I'll usually read something through once to get the overall picture, then read it a second time and take notes as I go. 📝

  3. At the end of the week read through my notes, and summarize anything important I learned in a brief blog post. 👩‍💻

That's it! My goal is to be a better technical communicator, but not burn out in the process. 😂

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