DEV Community

Discussion on: April 25 — Daily CodeNewbie Check-in Thread

lauragyre profile image
Laura Gyre • Edited

I finally got a javascript thing working with HTML/CSS! It's a rock, paper scissors game with clickable buttons.

I'm also thinking about blogging, but I'm not sure how to go about it. I've heard it's good to blog about what you're learning, but I've also heard it's good to have a custom, hand-coded site. I made my own site but am just learning HTML/CSS/javascript I'm wondering what would be the easiest or best learning experience way to move toward blog functions.

vanaf1979 profile image
Stephan Nijman • Edited

In my experience blogging can really help you to solidify your learning. Trying to explain something to someone else gives you a better understanding of the topic.

As for your "how to start" question:

  • You can start right here. Dev is a really nice place to publish your writing and it's a much faster way of finding a audience which is the real hard part of blogging. You can always move your writing to your own blog and change the canonical links in the future.

  • If you want to build your own blog with a Cms it all really depends on what language you want to learn. There are Cms systems for many languages out there. I would suggest you first explore the options in this regard.


EDIT: Had a look at your profile, and it seems you already figured this stuff out! :p