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Nishant Modak for Last9

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Prometheus Remote Write

Ever felt like your Prometheus setup is about to burst at the seams? You're not alone. We've all been there, watching our monitoring system groan under the weight of a million time series.

But fear not! I've just penned an epic saga on taming the beast that is Prometheus remote write. We're talking queue wizardry, cardinality kung-fu, and relabeling magic that'll make your metrics flow like butter.
Oh, and there's a juicy example where we turned a metric firehose into a well-behaved garden sprinkler. Spoiler: It involves a 60% CPU diet and a 70% latency liposuction.

Curious? Hop over to the blogpost for the full scoop.

Optimizing remote write performance

Happy optimizing, and may your dashboards be ever green! 🚀📉

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