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Lasse Foo-Rafn
Lasse Foo-Rafn

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11 API Documentation Best Practices for CI/CD 2024

Clear, up-to-date API docs are crucial for successful software development in CI/CD. Here's how to nail your API documentation:

  1. Use a contract-first approach
  2. Create docs automatically with tools
  3. Use version control for documentation
  4. Test docs thoroughly
  5. Stick to standard formats
  6. Make docs developer-friendly
  7. Review regularly
  8. Treat docs like code
  9. Keep it secure and compliant
  10. Optimize for speed
  11. Improve based on feedback

Key benefits:

  • Speed up dev onboarding
  • Reduce errors and integration issues
  • Boost team collaboration
Practice Why It Matters
Contract-first Aligns teams, enables parallel work
Automation Keeps docs current with code changes
Version control Tracks changes, enables collaboration
Testing Ensures accuracy and completeness
Standardization Improves consistency and tool compatibility

Remember: Good API docs can make or break your product. Don't skimp on them.

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What is API documentation in CI/CD?

API documentation in CI/CD explains how to use and integrate an API in continuous integration and delivery workflows. It's the key to helping developers understand and work with the API effectively.

What API documentation means

API documentation is a technical guide that covers:

  • Endpoints and methods
  • Request/response formats
  • Authentication needs
  • Error codes and meanings
  • Code samples and use cases

It's not static - it grows and changes with the API.

How documentation helps CI/CD

Good API docs in CI/CD:

  • Make integration faster
  • Cut down on errors and debugging time
  • Allow for automated testing
  • Help manage different versions

Take Twilio's API docs, for example. They're known for being thorough and easy to use. Twilio keeps their docs fresh as they improve their product.

Common problems with keeping docs up-to-date

Keeping API docs current isn't easy. Here are some common issues:

Problem Impact
Manual updates Outdated info
No automation More human errors
Poor CI/CD integration Gap between code and docs
Not enough testing Inaccurate or incomplete docs

A study of about 60 companies found that while 70% had API docs, only 15% used any automation.

To fix these issues:

1. Use tools like Swagger or Postman to auto-generate docs

2. Make doc updates part of your CI/CD pipeline

3. Use version control for docs, just like code

4. Set up regular reviews to catch and fix old info

1. Use a contract-first approach

Contract-first API development puts the API contract at the center of the process. It's a game-changer for creating better APIs and boosting team collaboration in CI/CD workflows.

What's contract-first development?

It's simple: you create a detailed API spec before writing any code. This spec (or contract) lays out:

  • API endpoints
  • Request/response formats
  • Auth methods
  • Error codes and messages

Teams usually use OpenAPI Spec (OAS) or RAML to write these contracts in YAML or JSON.

CI/CD benefits

Contract-first in CI/CD? It's a win-win:

Benefit How it helps
Faster dev Teams work in parallel, cutting overall time
Fewer issues Clear contracts = fewer misunderstandings
Better testing Contracts enable auto testing and validation
Up-to-date docs Contract = basis for current API docs

A big financial firm tried contract-first and saw 30% fewer API integration issues and 20% faster development.

Getting started

Want to use contract-first in your CI/CD pipeline? Here's how:

1. Define the contract: Use Swagger or OpenAPI for a clear, detailed API spec.

2. Version control: Treat your API contracts like code.

3. Automate: Generate code stubs, docs, and tests from your contract.

4. Validate: Set up auto checks in CI to ensure code matches the contract.

5. Collaborate: Get both frontend and backend teams involved in contract design.

Postman's 2022 State of the API report says 51% of devs spend over half their time on APIs. Contract-first can make this time more productive and cut errors.

2. Use tools to create docs automatically

Want to save time and boost accuracy? Use API documentation tools in your CI/CD pipeline. Here's how:

Tools for automatic documentation

Check out these tools that can generate API docs from your code:

Tool What it does Who it's for
Swagger/OpenAPI Makes standard specs and interactive docs RESTful API users
apiDoc Creates docs from code comments Quick setup fans
Postman Combines testing and documentation API-first teams
Redocly Builds custom, responsive docs User-friendly seekers

Adding these tools to CI/CD pipelines

Ready to automate doc generation? Here's how:

  1. Pick a tool that fits your API and team
  2. Set it up in your dev environment
  3. Add a doc step to your CI/CD pipeline

Here's a Swagger example for Jenkins:

stage('Generate Docs') {
    steps {
        sh 'swagger-cli bundle ./api-spec.yaml -o swagger.json'
        sh 'swagger-codegen generate -i swagger.json -l html2 -o ./docs'
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Keeping docs and code in sync

Keep your docs fresh:

  • Use code comments that update specs
  • Generate docs with every code change
  • Set up checks for code-doc mismatches

"We cut API support tickets by 40% after adding automated docs to our CI/CD pipeline", says Vedran Cindrić, Treblle's CEO.

3. Use version control for documentation

Version control isn't just for code anymore. It's a must for API docs in CI/CD workflows. Here's why and how to use it:

Why version control matters for API docs

Version control for API docs tracks changes, enables team collaboration, aligns docs with code updates, and provides a change history.

How to manage doc versions

1. Use Git for documentation

Store docs with your code, create branches for major updates, and use pull requests for review.

2. Set up a docs-as-code workflow

Write in plain text (like Markdown), use linters for consistency, and implement doc testing frameworks.

3. Automate doc generation

Use tools like Swagger/OpenAPI to generate docs from code and add doc generation to your CI/CD pipeline.

Matching doc versions with API versions

To keep docs and API versions in sync:

  1. Use semantic versioning for both
  2. Tag doc releases with API versions
  3. Maintain separate branches for major API versions
API Version Doc Version Branch Name
1.0.0 1.0.0 v1-docs
2.0.0 2.0.0 v2-docs
2.1.0 2.1.0 v2-docs

4. Update docs with each API change

For minor updates, add to the existing version. For major changes, create a new version branch.

5. Use CI/CD to publish versioned docs

Generate docs for each API version and deploy to version-specific URLs.

4. Test documentation thoroughly

Testing API docs is just as important as testing the API itself. Why? Because good docs help developers use your API effectively.

Here's how to make sure your API docs are top-notch:

Types of tests for API docs

  1. Accuracy: Does the documentation match what the API actually does?
  2. Completeness: Are all endpoints, parameters, and responses documented?
  3. Code samples: Do the examples work as expected?
  4. Links: Any broken links in the docs?
  5. Language: Are there typos or grammar issues?

Adding doc tests to CI/CD workflows

Want to keep your docs high-quality and up-to-date? Add doc tests to your CI/CD pipeline:

1. Use doc linters

Tools like Vale or write-good can spot style issues and improve readability.

2. Automate code sample testing

Run your code samples against the latest API version. Make sure they still work!

3. Check for broken links

Use tools like Linkchecker to find and report any dead links.

4. Set up spell checkers

Catch those pesky typos before they go live.

5. Use doc diff tools

Compare doc changes between versions. Spot any unintended modifications.

Improving test coverage

Want to take your API doc testing to the next level? Try these:

  1. Create a test matrix: List all endpoints, parameters, and response codes. Make sure you're testing everything.
  2. Use real data: Test with actual API responses for accuracy.
  3. Include edge cases: What happens with errors or rate limiting? Test those scenarios.
  4. Get user feedback: Let users report doc issues. Use their input to improve your tests.
  5. Do manual reviews: Automation is great, but human eyes can catch things machines might miss.
  6. Track Test Coverage use tools such as SimpleCov orOtterWise to track code coverage.

Remember: Good docs leads to happier developers. And happy developers are more likely to use (and love) your API.

5. Use standard formats

API documentation in CI/CD needs standard formats. Here's why and how to use them.

Common API documentation standards

Two main standards rule the API documentation world:

  1. OpenAPI Specification (OAS): The top dog. Uses JSON or YAML for RESTful APIs.

  2. RAML: A YAML-based language for RESTful APIs.

OpenAPI is winning the popularity contest these days.

Standards in CI/CD: Why bother?

Standard formats in your CI/CD pipeline are a game-changer:

  • They keep everyone on the same page
  • They play nice with automation tools
  • They fit right into your CI/CD workflow

Putting standards to work

Want to use standard formats? Here's how:

  1. Pick your poison: OpenAPI or RAML
  2. Get your tools ready (like Swagger UI for OpenAPI)
  3. Write your spec
  4. Hook it into your CI/CD pipeline
  5. Keep it fresh with every API update

Here's a taste of OpenAPI 3.0 in action:

      summary: Returns a list of users
          description: Successful response
                type: array
                  type: object
                      type: integer
                      type: string
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Looks neat, right? That's the power of standard formats.

6. Make docs easy for developers to use

API docs should be a breeze to use. Here's how to make that happen:

Creating easy-to-use documentation

Keep it simple. Break things down. Add a table of contents. Throw in code examples. Explain errors. That's the recipe for user-friendly API docs.

Tools for interactive documentation

Interactive tools? They're game-changers. Check these out:

Tool What's cool about it
SwaggerHub Play with APIs, test calls, add your logo
Apiary Two-column layout, request console, easy navigation
Document360 Auto-updates, smart search, version control

Getting and using developer feedback

Want better docs? Listen to your users:

1. Add ways for devs to give feedback

2. Watch how they use your docs

3. Ask them what they think

4. Update based on FAQs

5. Let the community pitch in

"Good API docs? They're gold. They should cover everything from quick starts to endpoints, all in a format that's easy to get. And not just for devs - for everyone."

7. Review documentation regularly

Keeping API docs current is crucial for CI/CD. Here's how:

Set up review processes in CI/CD

Build doc reviews into your pipeline:

  1. Use tools like Grammarly for basic error checks
  2. Link docs to code changes
  3. Align doc reviews with your release schedule

Mix automatic and manual reviews

Combine tech and human touch:

Review Type Tools Benefits
Automatic Postman, Curl Check endpoints, find broken links
Manual Team reviews, user feedback Spot unclear explanations, get real-world insights

Fix outdated documentation

Keep docs fresh:

  • Remove old info
  • Update examples
  • Use analytics to focus on popular sections

"At Stripe, we treat documentation as a product. It goes through the same rigorous review process as our code", - John Collison, Stripe co-founder.

8. Treat documentation like code

'Docs-as-code' brings software development practices to API documentation. It's about managing docs with the same tools and processes used for code.

Here's what it means:

  • Use version control for docs
  • Collaborate through pull requests
  • Automate doc updates with code changes

This keeps docs in sync with the latest API changes.

Tools for the job

Several tools support this approach:

Tool Purpose Key Feature
Treblle API documentation Auto-generates docs from API requests
SwaggerHub OpenAPI spec management Collaborative editing and version control
Postman API development Syncs docs with API collections

These integrate with CI/CD pipelines, making doc updates part of the development workflow.

Benefits in CI/CD

Treating docs like code in CI/CD offers:

  • Consistency: Docs update automatically with code
  • Collaboration: Easy developer contributions
  • Quality: Automated checks catch errors
  • Speed: Users always have current info

"At GitHub, we use our own platform to manage our API documentation. This allows us to leverage the same review processes and automation we use for code", says a GitHub API team member.

9. Keep docs secure and compliant

API docs often have sensitive info. Let's protect it and follow the rules:

Protect sensitive info

  1. Hide the secrets: Remove API keys, passwords, and personal data.
  2. Use env variables: Store sensitive stuff here, not in the docs.
  3. Control access: Limit who can see what based on their role.

Follow the rules

Different industries have different rules. Here's a quick guide:

Rule What to do
GDPR Say how you use data, let users access/delete it
PCI DSS Don't store credit card info, use fake data for examples
HIPAA No real patient info, use made-up data for demos

Use security tools

Add these to your CI/CD pipeline:

  • GitGuardian: Finds exposed API keys
  • TruffleHog: Looks for possible passwords
  • Snyk: Checks code snippets for issues

"We treat our API docs like our code - super secure. It helps us follow GDPR and keep user data safe", says the APILayer security team.

10. Make docs load quickly

Speed matters in CI/CD. Your API docs should be fast too. Here's how to speed them up:

Quick doc tips

  1. Shrink files: Compress images, minify CSS and JS.
  2. Load as you go: Show content as users scroll.
  3. Mobile-friendly: Make docs work on small screens.

Caching and CDNs

These can make your docs MUCH faster:

Method What it does
Caching Stores common data for quick access
CDNs Serves content from nearby servers

Fun fact: cdnjs, a free CDN, handles 200 billion requests monthly. It's on 12.5% of all websites. CDNs work.

Measure doc speed

You can't improve what you don't measure:

  1. Use tools: Try Google PageSpeed Insights or Lighthouse.
  2. Watch key stats: Focus on TTFB and FCP.
  3. Automate: Add speed checks to your CI/CD pipeline.

"We cut load times by 40% with a multi-CDN setup and doc tweaks", says Sarah Chen from APIFast.

Remember: Fast docs = happy developers.

11. Keep improving based on feedback

Getting user feedback on docs is key. Here's how:

  • Add a "Was this helpful?" button
  • Include a feedback form
  • Set up a feedback email
  • Run user surveys and interviews

Pro tip: Make feedback forms easy but require enough detail for actionable insights.

Use feedback in your CI/CD:

1. Log feedback as tickets

2. Review during sprint planning

3. Create tasks for action items

4. Update docs in your release cycle

"When we get a comment, it's logged as a Jira ticket. Writers get notified and grab it if they can fix it."

Keep improving:

  • Schedule regular doc reviews
  • Use analytics to spot popular endpoints
  • Remove outdated info
  • Sync doc updates with development
  • Thank users for feedback

Good docs build trust. Keep them accurate, clear, and current.

"High-quality documentation establishes trust with downstream developers." - Tom Johnson, API Technical Writer


Let's recap the key practices for API documentation in CI/CD:

  1. Use a contract-first approach
  2. Create docs automatically with tools
  3. Use version control for documentation
  4. Test documentation thoroughly
  5. Use standard formats
  6. Make docs easy for developers to use
  7. Review documentation regularly
  8. Treat documentation like code
  9. Keep docs secure and compliant
  10. Make docs load quickly
  11. Keep improving based on feedback

These practices help create clear, up-to-date, and useful API documentation that supports smooth CI/CD workflows.

What's next for API docs in CI/CD?

The future of API documentation in CI/CD is shaping up to be more interactive, intelligent, and collaborative:

1. Interactive documentation

Developers can now test endpoints and see responses in real-time. This hands-on approach speeds up learning and integration.

2. AI-powered assistance

AI is starting to play a bigger role in documentation:

  • Suggesting code snippets
  • Spotting errors before they cause problems
  • Guiding developers through complex queries

3. Real-time collaboration

New platforms allow multiple team members to work on documentation together. This improves accuracy and speeds up the review process.

4. Spec-driven development (SDD)

This approach creates documentation alongside API development using specifications like OpenAPI. It's gaining traction in the industry.

5. Kubernetes-native API gateways

As more companies use Kubernetes, API gateways designed for these environments are becoming crucial for managing and scaling APIs.

6. Enhanced security measures

With the growing number of API-related security threats, there's more focus on advanced security protocols in documentation and implementation.

To stay ahead, companies should:

  • Invest in tools that create interactive, real-time documentation
  • Explore AI-powered documentation assistants
  • Implement collaboration platforms for documentation teams
  • Adopt spec-driven development practices
  • Stay informed about Kubernetes-native solutions if using containerized environments
  • Prioritize security in both API implementation and documentation

The future of API documentation in CI/CD is all about making docs more useful, secure, and efficient. By embracing these trends, companies can create better APIs and happier developers.


What is an API documentation sample?

API documentation is a guide that shows developers how to use and integrate an API. It includes:

  • Endpoint details and methods
  • Authentication steps
  • Parameters and headers
  • Request and response examples

Good API docs should:

  • Be easy to navigate
  • Explain things clearly with code examples
  • Let users test the API

Stripe's API docs are often praised. They have:

  • A clean layout
  • Code in different languages
  • A "Try it now" feature

Keith Casey, API Training Partner, says:

"Documentation is the third user interface for APIs, and the most important."

This shows how crucial docs are for API use.

For API docs in CI/CD:

1. Use tools to make docs from code

2. Keep docs with code in version control

3. Update docs in your CI/CD pipeline

4. Test docs automatically

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