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Discussion on: Types vs. Interfaces in Typescript

larsejaas profile image
Lars Ejaas

As a developer new to Typescript I struggle to see where I would need "type" really? 🤔
I am sure there are edge cases, but for now I just rely on "interface" .

peerreynders profile image

Typically one is more comfortable with interface if one's zone of familiarity is in terms of class-oriented object orientation, i.e. one predominantly thinks of objects in terms of "instances of a class".

type is more useful when you are typing "general data". Types aren't limited to "objects as structured data" but also include literal types. The type syntax also has a lot of features to pull information from JavaScript's value space into TypeScript's type space.

const transform = {
  A: 'a',
  B: 'b',
  C: 'c',
  D: 'd',
  E: 'e',
} as const;

type Transform = typeof transform;
type Key = keyof Transform;      // type Key = "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E"
type Value = Transform[Key];     // type Value = "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" 

function convert(original: Key): Value {
  return transform[original];

console.assert(convert('D') === 'd', 'Value mismatch');
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Above transform and convert exist in JavaScript's value space while Transform, Key and Value exist in TypeScripts's type space.

One of the more interesting types are discriminated unions:

const entries = {
  A: 1,
  B: 2,
  C: 3,
  D: 4,
  E: 5,
} as const;

type Entries = typeof entries;
type Key = keyof Entries;      // type Key = "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E"
type Value = Entries[Key];     // type Value = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
type Entry = [Key, Value]; 

const data = Object.entries(entries) as [[Key,Value]];
const reversed = new Map([key, value]) => ([value, key])));

// Discriminated union
type FindByKey = {
  findBy: 'Key';
  key: Key;

type FindByValue = {
  findBy: 'Value';
  value: Value;

type FindBy = FindByKey | FindByValue;

function find(config: FindBy): Entry {
  switch(config.findBy) {
    case 'Key':
      // i.e. FindByKey here
      return [config.key, entries[config.key]];
    case 'Value':
      // i.e. FindByValue here
      return [reversed.get(config.value)!, config.value]; 

console.assert(find({ findBy: 'Key', key: 'D'})[1] === 4, 'Wrong value');
console.assert(find({ findBy: 'Value', value: 4})[0] === 'D', 'Wrong key');
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So from that perspective type is my default - unless for some reason I'm working with classes then interface is a better fit.

larsejaas profile image
Lars Ejaas

Wow appreciate your feedback. But, I think must of the stuff you described here is a bit beond my current skill level. I use typescript with React for now, and I have to admit I feel unsure why your above example wouldn't have worked equally well with "interface" instead of "types" 🤔

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peerreynders profile image

why your above example wouldn't have worked equally well with "interface" instead of "types" 🤔

Actually it's easier to explore when to use interface instead of type:

  • interface declarations merge, type aliases do not. So if it is necessary to declare an interface in bits-and-pieces interface is the only choice especially when monkey patching an existing class (which really should be avoided for built-in and even third party classes). With type each piece needs to be a separate type which are then combined by intersecting them.

  • By convention use interface not type when the declaration is going to be implemented by a class:

While syntactically correct

type Title = {
  title: string;

class Dog implements Title {
  #title: string;

  constructor(breed: string, name: string) {
    this.#title = `${name} (${breed})`;

  get title(): string {
    return this.#title;

const fido = new Dog('Maltese', 'Froufrou');
const expected = 'Froufrou (Maltese)';
console.assert(fido.title === expected, `Title not "${expected}"`);
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a class should implement an interface, not a type:

interface Title {
  title: string;

class Dog implements Title {
  #title: string;

  constructor(breed: string, name: string) {
    this.#title = `${name} (${breed})`;

  get title(): string {
    return this.#title;

const fido = new Dog('Maltese', 'Froufrou');
const expected = 'Froufrou (Maltese)';
console.assert(fido.title === expected, `Title not "${expected}"`);
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Everywhere else use type to get full access to TypeScript's typing features.

So for object types that are not class-based it makes sense to use type.

type Key = 'A' | 'B' | 'C' | 'D' | 'E'; // Can't do this with `interface` because `Key` isn't an object type
type Value = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5;
type Entry = [Key, Value];              // Again a tuple isn't an object type - so `interface` is no help here
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Derived object types become type aliases, not interfaces:

const fido = { 
  breed: 'Maltese', 
  name: 'Froufrou',
  title: () => `${} (${fido.breed})`

type Dog = typeof fido; // type Dog = { breed: string, name: string, title: () => string }

const expected = 'Froufrou (Maltese)';
console.assert(fido.title() === expected, `Title not "${expected}"`);
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type supports Mapped Types and Generics:

type KeyName = 'name' | 'breed'
type Dog<T> = {
  [key in KeyName]: T;

  const name = 'Froufrou';
  const breed = 'Maltese';
                     // type inference:
  const dog = {      // const dog: { name: string, breed: string }
                             // type inference:
  const fido:Dog<string> = { // const fido: Dog<string>

  console.assert(name === && breed === dog.breed, 'dog: No match')
  console.assert(name === && breed === fido.breed, 'fido: No match')
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Most of the Utility Types are defined via type aliases.

Because of the versatility of type aliases open source projects like comlink use them heavily - so being able to decipher type aliases can be helpful to understand the type constraints.

By limiting yourself to interface you aren't leveraging TypeScript's features as much as you could.

People usually get into type aliases once they realize how useful sum types (Union types) really are.

const left: unique symbol = Symbol('Left');
const right: unique symbol = Symbol('Right');

// Discriminating Union + Generics
type Either<L,R> = [typeof left, L] | [typeof right, R];

function showResult(result : Either<string,number>): void {
  switch(result[0]) {
    case left:
      console.log('Error (Left):', result[1]);
    case right:
      console.log('Success (Right):', result[1].toFixed(2));

function validate(value: number): Either<string, number> {
  return value < 10 ? [right, value] : [left, 'Too Large'];

showResult(validate(Math.PI)); // 'Success (Right): 3.14'
showResult(validate(10));      // 'Error (Left): Too Large'
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Another nifty thing one can do with type:

// Only exists in the "type context"
declare const emailVerified: unique symbol;

// Make structurally different from plain `string`
type Email = string & {
  [emailVerified]: true

const verifiedEmails = new Set(['']);

// Assertion function
function assertIsEmail(email: string): asserts email is Email {
  if (!verifiedEmails.has(email)) throw new Error(`"${email}" is not a verified email`);

// export this function
function validateEmail(email: string): Email {
  assertIsEmail(email);   // `email: string`
  return email;           // `email: Email`

// Simple type alias
type EmailAlias = string;

try {
  const email = '';
  const verified = validateEmail(email); // const verified: Email
  console.log('Verified:', verified);    // 'Verified:'

  const another = '';
  const unverified: EmailAlias = another; // Simple type alias **will not** cause an error; however
  // const unverified: Email = another;   // Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'Email'.
                                          // Type 'string' is not assignable to type '{ [emailVerified]: true; }'.(2322)
  const forced: Email = another as Email; // However type assertion can silence the error on `Email` and narrow the type.
  console.log('Forced:', forced);         // 'Forced:'

  const notVerified = validateEmail(another);
  // Never gets here
  console.log('Unverified', unverified);

} catch(e) {
  console.log(e.message);                // "" is not a verified email
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In TypeScript's type context Email is structurally different from string - even though in JavaScript's value context it simply is a string.

This can help prevent a regular string from being assigned to Email without being validated (though a type assertion can force it) - without having to resort to a holder object:

type Email = {
  email: string;

const verifiedEmails = new Set(['']);

function validateEmail(email: string): Email {
  if (!verifiedEmails.has(email)) throw new Error(`"${email}" is not a verified email`);
  return {

try {
  const email = '';
  const verified = validateEmail(email);    // const verified: Email
  console.log('Verified:',; // 'Verified:'

  const another = '';
  const forged: Email = { email: another };
  console.log('Forged:', );    // 'Forged:'

  const notVerified = validateEmail(another);
  // never gets here

} catch(e) {
  console.log(e.message);                // "" is not a verified email
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So types go beyond classes and interfaces. If you're not using type what are you using TypeScript for?