DEV Community

Bao DK
Bao DK

Posted on

Configuring a Windows developer machine with no admin rights

Install VSCode and enviroment path using Powershell

  Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force;
  $remoteFile = '';
  $downloadFile = $env:Temp+'\';
  $vscodePath = $env:LOCALAPPDATA+"\VsCode";
  (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($remoteFile, $downloadFile);
  Expand-Archive $downloadFile -DestinationPath $vscodePath -Force
  $env:Path += ";"+$vscodePath
    ("Path", $env:Path, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User);
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Install NodeJS and enviroment path using Powershell

  Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force;
  $remoteFile = '';
  $downloadFile = $env:Temp+'\';
  $nodePath = $env:LOCALAPPDATA+"\Node";
  (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($remoteFile, $downloadFile);
  Expand-Archive $downloadFile -DestinationPath $nodePath -Force
  $env:Path += ";"+$nodePath
    ("Path", $env:Path, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User);
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Next step, you can install yarn via command promt

  npm install yarn -g
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Install dotnet and enviroment path using Powershell

  Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force;
  $remoteFile = '';
  $downloadFile = 'dotnet-install.ps1';
  $dotnetPath = $env:LOCALAPPDATA+"\Microsoft\Dotnet";
  (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($remoteFile, $downloadFile);
  $env:Path += ";"+$dotnetPath
    [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User);
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Now you are all set, your development machine is ready to go. To create a React app, just open a command line window and type these commands:

  yarn create react-app reactapp --typescript
  cd reactapp
  yarn start
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If you point your browser to localhost:3000, you will see:
React App

Running Code . will open VS Code with the project folder open:

You can also create an Asp.NET Core MVC with the commands:

  dotnet new mvc -o AspNetApp
  cd AspNetApp
  dotnet run
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And open localhost:5000 in the browser to see the app running:

As you can see, with a few steps, you can setup a developer machine with no need of admin rights nor the need of any license, you can now start developing your full apps and debug them in VS Code.
That way, I could start and run from day one, and when the full install came, I was already developing.
After finishing the setting, I noticed that all the scripts are very similar, so I created a single script, Install-FromWeb:

  Param ( 
      [bool]$DoExtractFile = $False, 
      [string]$ExecutePath = $null, 
  Write-Host $RemoteFile
  Write-Host $DownloadFile

  Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $RemoteFile -OutFile $DownloadFile
  If ($DoExtractFile){ 
      Expand-Archive $DownloadFile -DestinationPath $AddedPath -Force
  }If (-Not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ExecutePath))){
      & "$ExecutePath"
  } $env:Path += ";"+$AddedPath
  [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User);
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When I was pushing the data to my GitHub, I noticed that Git for Windows wasn’t installed. I checked the Git for Windows site and there is a portable version in PortableGit- With it, you can use Git as a version control system. With that, you can install your machine with a single set of instructions:

  Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force;
  .\Install-FromWeb.ps1 -RemoteFile "" -DownloadFile $env:Temp"\" -DoExtractFile $true -AddedPath $env:LOCALAPPDATA"\VsCode"
  .\Install-FromWeb.ps1 -RemoteFile '' -DownloadFile $env:Temp'\' -DoExtractFile $true -AddedPath $env:LOCALAPPDATA"\Node"
  Move-Item -Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA"\Node\node-v12.13.0-win-x64" -Destination $env:LOCALAPPDATA"\Node1"
  Remove-item -Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA"\Node"
  Rename-item -Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA"\Node1" -NewName $env:LOCALAPPDATA"\Node"
  npm install yarn -g
  .\Install-FromWeb.ps1 -RemoteFile '' -DownloadFile $env:Temp'\dotnet-install.ps1' -DoExtractFile $false -AddedPath $env:LOCALAPPDATA'\Microsoft\Dotnet' -ExecutePath $env:Temp'\dotnet-install.ps1'
  .\Install-FromWeb.ps1 -RemoteFile '' -DownloadFile $env:TEMP'\PortableGit.exe' -DoExtractFile $false -AddedPath $env:LOCALAPPDATA'\Git' -Debug
     $env:TEMP'\PortableGit.exe' -o $env:LOCALAPPDATA'\Git' -y
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P/s: This post only for note purpose

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