edit: Thanks to Ben Curtis for inspiring me to cut this from 7 lines to 3.
edit2: More complex regexp to handle multiline vars.
Make an executable file with the following contents:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
regexp = /^(?<a>\w+)=(?:'(?<b>.+?)'|"\g<b>"|\g<b>)$/m
ENV.update File.read(".env").scan(regexp).to_h if File.exist?(".env")
exec(ENV, *ARGV)
Make an alias. Here is one with bundle exec also included.
alias be="/path/to/executable bundle exec"
Make an .env
echo HELLO=WORLD > .env
Run be bash -c 'echo $HELLO'
edit3: this has an added benefit of being language independent over the regular ruby dotenv as this is a shell program and ruby dotenv runs inside your ruby program.
edit4: do the following to have a .gitconfig like transversal up the parent directories.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'pathname'
env = Pathname.pwd.ascend.map{|x| x.join(".env")}.select(&:exist?).map(&:read).reverse.join
regexp = /^(?<a>\w+)=(?:'(?<b>.+?)'|"\g<b>"|\g<b>)$/m
ENV.update env.scan(regexp).to_h
exec(ENV, *ARGV)
Top comments (4)
This is great! Here's an alternative to the 2 lines of code in the loop:
This change also handles .env files that have lines in the format of
export FOO=bar
.How about 3 lines or fairly readable ruby?
I will personally leave out the export stuff because I don't actually need to be compatible with dotenv, but it would be nice for people who do.
In addition to using environment variables I can recommend the tool github.com/dotenv-linter/dotenv-li... - it’s a lightning-fast linter for .env files. Written in Rust.
Maybe it would be useful for you.