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Kwok He Chu

Developer Advocate at Adyen (.NET Engineer)

Joined Joined on  github website


Developer Advocate (.NET Engineer)

Sweeps on the Adyen Balance Platform for Developers

Sweeps on the Adyen Balance Platform for Developers

6 min read

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Pre-authorizations and Authorization Adjustments for Developers

Pre-authorizations and Authorization Adjustments for Developers

9 min read
The Migration Guide to Upgrading to Adyen .NET Library 10.0.0

The Migration Guide to Upgrading to Adyen .NET Library 10.0.0

7 min read
Use Adyen Tokenization to Implement Subscriptions in .NET

Use Adyen Tokenization to Implement Subscriptions in .NET

11 min read
How You Can Stay Up-To-Date with Adyen Tech

How You Can Stay Up-To-Date with Adyen Tech

5 min read
Adyen Tech Academy: Taking Onboarding and Upskilling to The Next Level

Adyen Tech Academy: Taking Onboarding and Upskilling to The Next Level

11 min read
How To Use Visual Studio Dev Tunnels to Receive Webhooks on Localhost

How To Use Visual Studio Dev Tunnels to Receive Webhooks on Localhost

Comments 2
3 min read