DEV Community

Kuvindu Damvin
Kuvindu Damvin

Posted on

Free Web Development Course

Hi guys, I don't know whether this is the best place to place my problem. But I want help.

I am under 18. So I am interested on free courses. And when I got an interest on web dev I search for tutorial on YouTube but all of them are advertisements for paid courses.

I found a website called And currently doing projects on it.

I am asking you guys about a better free, complete web dev course.

Top comments (6)

moz_iaye profile image
Krish Shrestha • Edited

I recommend going for some crash course videos first from Youtube and gradually moving on to the sites like
Fullstackopen, (preferred)
MozillaDocs is great as well.
and as for the youtube videos,
you can follow,
Bro code, Javascript Mastery, Code with Harry(Hindi), Chai aur Code(Hindi), freecodecamp

Goodluck, BestWishes.

shikkaba profile image
Me is awesome. Take what you learn there and make something. Constant courses aren't good because you can get stuck. Make things with what you learn to drill in and apply what you learn.

kuvindu_damvin profile image
Kuvindu Damvin

Thx I will consider

yowise profile image

Another source is You can try this too.

danibassprod profile image

I'd recommend The Odin Project, it's been a year and I like it so much! You get to learn what devs use in the real world from the beginning.

Not so easy but is worth it.

fercoopat profile image
Fer Coopat

You can see @midudev is one of the best to learn from