Kubernetes Bytes
Unified application deployment platform for Kubernetes with Plural.sh
In the first episode of season 3, Ryan and Bhavin talk to Michael Guarino - the CTO of plural.sh about how plural helps users deploy applications on Kubernetes easily. They discuss the challenges associated with deploying applications consistently across different Kubernetes distributions, and talk about how Plural provides a unified solution that auto-generates Kubernetes manifests, HELM charts, and Terraform files and follows GitOps principles to deploy applications across Amazon EKS, Azure AKS, and Google GKE.
- Kubernetes v1.26: Alpha support for cross-namespace storage data sources
- Best of 2022: 8 CNCF Projects for Cloud-Native Persistent Storage: https://containerjournal.com/features/8-cncf-projects-for-cloud-native-persistent-storage/
- Best distributes file/block for k8s - Reddit 2023 thread - https://www.reddit.com/r/kubernetes/comments/100wdrq/best_distributed_fileblock_storage_for_kubernetes
- JuiceFS https://juicefs.com/docs/cloud/use_juicefs_in_kubernetes.
- Chronosphere funding round - https://chronosphere.io/learn/115m-series-c-funding-chronospheres/
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