DEV Community

K S Sai Teja
K S Sai Teja

Posted on

Contributing to Focusly: A Rewarding Experience

I'm thrilled to share my journey of contributing to the Focusly app! πŸš€ My PR was recently accepted and merged, and it's been an incredible learning experience. I want to express my gratitude to the Focusly team for the opportunity.

The new features and improvements we've introduced will make the app even more amazing. If you're interested in the details of my contribution, feel free to check it out on the GitHub repository here

Thank you to the entire #Focusly community for their support and collaboration. Let's continue to innovate and create something exceptional! πŸ’ͺ #OpenSource #CodingCommunity #TechJourney

Top comments (2)

idodav profile image
Ido David

This is amazing. I'm also an open-source maintainer. And it's great to see contributors succeeding and having fun in Open source projects. Thanks for sharing and good luck :)

kssaiteja profile image
K S Sai Teja
