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Kasey Speakman • Edited

For normal bosses that can't be phased locked, it deals a lot of damage, which is still useful. And they can usually be killed just by using cover and being careful.

For raid bosses, I don't have much of an answer. Most recommendations are to bring specific characters (usually Salvador) and gear to defeat them solo. For non-recommended chars, the main way I have seen people solo them are based mostly on the gear (usually Grog Nozzle for healing), with a lot of frustrating trial and error. Or using gimmicks like Norfleet + Sham. Salvador can solo most raid bosses with his normal gear. At level 80, some of them take special prep (fire relic + chaotic evil monk mod + Bee + Conference Call for a quick Haderax kill) or gimmicks (infini-shot Fibber for Hyperius). Zero can bore his way through Hyperius in short order. And Voracidous is just frustrating no matter what, I got Interfacer after 2 hard fought kills and never went back.

I don't have a Zero link. My searching mostly turned up skills trees for different kinds of builds. I actually shelved Zero at level 29, before I finished normal. When I do circle back to him, I will give him all the level-appropriate unique/legendaries I found on other characters. That should make it pretty easy for him.

I thought it was kindof a shame that in Normal/TVHM, you usually get quest reward gear or find legendaries after you've already outleveled them. So I came up with a system for keeping outleveled gear for future chars to use. This is a bit of a drag to setup, so I'm not suggesting you should, just detailing what I've done. First I created a new char (that I eventually intend to play for real) and played enough to get them to Sanctuary. Then I put higher level items (e.g. Good Touch from TVHM/UVHM) in the stash for them, which they sell for lots of credits. Those credits are used to feed slot machines, to farm eridium. Then I used the eridium to unlock inventory/bank slots. Whenever I outlevel a unique/legendary, I transfer it to one of those characters via the stash. Specific characters keep specific level ranges. And when I get a duplicate, I sell the lesser one. There are also a lot of them not worth keeping for leveling purposes. Once I start actually playing through a character, I will give them all the items within their level range.