DEV Community

Discussion on: Fellow Developers, What Should Our Last Name Be?

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Kasey Speakman • Edited

Just to commiserate with you, my daughter is originally from another country which uses 2 last names as common practice. This is too confusing for most American systems (human and computer). It seems the first last name is usually assumed to be a 2nd middle name. And she is usually referred to by the last last name. Even though historically the first last name is considered the primary one.

Probably obvious to you already, but I think there is additional confusion in your particular case because Roy is a common American first name. So, Roy Greenfeld sounds like its own first/last name combo. And it looks like an accidental name nested in another name. I had a moment of confusion myself when I saw your post.

I like the other suggestions of "Greenroy" "Feldroy" "Royfeld". On cursory lookup, Roy means "king" and Greenfeld means "green field". So you could also go with something like Kingfield. :)