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kuldeep patel
kuldeep patel

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How to declare variables in javascript? ๐Ÿค”

In this article, we are discussing variables. There are different declared variables in different programming languages. Javascript is very freely declaring variables.

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There is some different way to declare in javascript. But First

What are the variables?

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Now you think about your purchase gift box. But the gift boxes are empty there is no value ๐Ÿ˜…. It looks like the above image โ˜๏ธ
There is no value.

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Now you put a toy in the gift box ๐ŸŽ. The gift box is valued because you put a toy in the gift box. if you open the box you see there is a toy. ๐Ÿคฉ
Here gift box we are call variable name and toy we are called value.
variable name is = gift box
variable value is = toy

the variable name holds the data and stores it.

How do I declare variables in javascript? can you tell me?

In javascript, you can declare variables in 3 ways.

  1. using var
  2. using let and
  3. using const


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First, we are trying with var variables. So var is stores data in memory for example
var fullName = 'Kuldeep'; using var keyword you are use-value anywhere in the program. Now you are using fullName anywhere in the howl program like console.log(fullName);๐Ÿคช


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Now second is the Let keyword.

Let keyword you also store data in javascript program. There are lots of think with the let keyword. Because with let you are store value multiple in one variable.
For example

let message;
message = 'Hello kuldeep ๐Ÿ‘‹';

There are messages that hold one think Hello Kuldeep ๐Ÿ‘‹. But if you want to store data in one variable you can also do that.

let user = 'Kuldeep', age=25, message = 'Kuldeep Hello'
In older scripts, you may also find another keyword: var instead of let:
var and let work as same but var are the old way to declare now a new way to hold store data let keyword.

But if you are declaring a variable already and you have put another variable value what happens when you try like this.
let fullName = 'Kuldeep';
and now
let fullName = 'Jone';

What happened when you run ๐Ÿ‘† in this program.

There are show errors ๐Ÿฅด. O nooo because fullName is already declared in the program

I have an error in the console.
Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'fullName' has already been declared

Now we are talking about rules about how to declare a variable and variable name.

giphy (1)

1st: Variable name does not start with a number and # keyword.
var 1name='kuldeep';โŒ
var #name= ''โŒ
๐Ÿ‘† this is wrong to declare a variable in javascript.

2nd: Variable name start with A-z, $, _
let firstName = 'Oliver';โœ…
let _secondName = 'kuldeep';โœ…
๐Ÿ‘† this Right way to declare a variable

3rd: You are not using - in javascript
let first-name='Jone';โŒ
๐Ÿ‘† this is wrong to declare a variable in javascript.

4th: CaseSensitve word.
let first = "kuldeep"; and you write let fiRsT ='Oliver';
๐Ÿ‘† There is two different variable name first and fiRsT are to the different thing in Javascript.

5th: We do not use reserved keywords in javascript
var let='kuldeep';โŒ
let const = 'Oliver';โŒ


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const keyword also works as let keyword.
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