Like memoizer and auto-completer, building a concurrency limiter is another interesting interview question.
Assume you have a function that does an async action like calling an API and you want to make sure that it's only run at most x times in parallel. The goal here is to write a function that can add this concurrency limiting capability to any such async function.
Let's start with a test case first
// mock api, resolves after 1 second
function api(params) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const res = JSON.stringify(params);
resolve(`Done: ${res}`);
}, 1000);
// accepts function and a limit to apply on it
function concurrencyLimiter(fn, limit) {
return fn;
// tests
function test() {
const testApi = concurrencyLimiter(api, 3);
// for logging response
const onSuccess = (res) => console.log(`response ${res}`);
const onError = (res) => console.log(`error ${res}`);
// multiple calls to our rate limited function
testApi('B').then((res) => {
The log will look like this, prints A to E together after one second, and then a second later prints B.1
response Done: "A"
response Done: "B"
response Done: "C"
response Done: "D"
response Done: "E"
response Done: "B.1"
After implementing the concurrency limiting function, we'll see A to C after one second, a second later D to B.1
Breaking down the requirement, we need
- counter to track the number of active calls
- queue for managing calls
- wrap the original call with a then and catch which will dispatch the next in the queue
- return a promise to keep contract the same
function concurrencyLimiter(fn, limit) {
let activeCalls = 0;
const callQueue = [];
// decrement count and trigger next call
const next = () => {
// add function to queue
const addToQueue = (params, resolve, reject) => {
callQueue.push(() => {
// dispatch next in queue on success or on error
fn(...params).then((res)=> {
}).catch((err) => {
// if within limit trigger next from queue
const dispatch = () => {
if(activeCalls < limit) {
const action = callQueue.shift();
if (action) {
// adds function call to queue
// calls dispatch to process queue
return (...params) => {
const res = new Promise((resolve, reject)=> {
addToQueue(params, resolve, reject);
return res;
Rerun the test, and you'll notice the difference in timing. Change concurrency limit to 1 and you will see only one message per second in the log.
Modify the test to see how exceptions are handled
// generate random number within limits
const getRandomNumber = (min = 1, max = 10) =>
Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min);
// in the mock api, update promise to reject random calls
const res = JSON.stringify(params);
if(getRandomNumber() <= 5) {
reject(`Something went wrong: ${res}`);
resolve(`Done: ${res}`);
}, 1000);
This test will verify that promise rejections or exceptions don't break the concurrency limiter from dispatching the next action.
That's all folks :)
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