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#Manual testing deep drive#

As we hear the word "Testing", the very first sequel word that comes into my mind is "Manual Testing". Manual testing is a type of software testing in which testers manually verify and validate if the end product satisfy the customer requirements and specifications in both Functional and Non-Functional aspects. 
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The testing is performed in a similar way as an end user to identify bugs and defects in the software or application.Manual testing is nothing but testing the functionality of application repeatedly or again and again manually in order to find the defect according to the customer requirement is called as manual testing.
Type of software that is used by a developer to test the software without any automated tools. The main purpose is to identify the defect and remove the bugs. Manual testing concepts is to guarantee that the application is without any error or bug and it is working as expected.

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We use the STLC(Software Testing Life Cycle) to perform any type of testing. The phases of STLC are as below:

  1. Requirement Analysis This is the very first phase of STLC where the testers analyze the project requirements by discussing it with various stakeholder and prepare the RTM(Requirement Traceability Matrix is a document where we associate the requirements with the corresponding test cases).

2.Test planning
In this phase the test manager determines the Test plan or strategy, test tool selection, types of testing in scope, cost estimation, resource planning, Training required etc.

  1. Test case development
    In Test case development phase, the test cases, scripts and data is created.

  2. Test Environment setup
    In this phase, the environment for testing is setup on the basis of software and hardware requirement. Smoke testing is performed in this phase.

  3. Test Execution
    In this phase, Test cases, scripts are executed and the results are documented. The bugs/defects are also reported and post the defect is fixed, retesting is also done in this phase.

  4. Test Closure
    This is the last phase of STLC, where the testers report the test results and test completion metrics. In this phase EOTR (End of Testing report) is also prepared and submitted by the Testers.

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Manual testing is not an easy task to do. It requires proper knowledge and moreover patience to detect the bugs and figure out a way to correct them. The beginners can also use the guides, Manual testing for beginners that includes manual testing basics and information. The steps for manual testing are:
Requirement analysis: You should know beforehand what is expected from the software.
Create a test plan: You should have the documentation of how the testing process is followed.
Creation of Test Case: You should create the test cases on which you will execute the plan.
Execution of Test Flow: You have to execute the plan on the test flow properly and carefully avoiding any kinds of errors in programming.
Detect Logging: After execution of the plan, you will have to search for any errors if there are, and figure out where the error is.
Debugging and Re-verification: If there is any bug, you will have to debug, and again verify it after the debugging process.

Merits of Manual testing

1.There is no environment limitations. We can perform manual testing in any kind of Application, Software, OS etc.

2.No programming language knowledge is required for developing and executing the test cases.

3.Manual testing is the best approach for dynamically changing GUI(Graphic User Interface).

4.Testers interact more with the AUT, which helps in finding the defects easily and making the application defect free.


1.Many number of testers are involved.
2.It's is costly in the short run.
3.Time consuming.
4.The tester develops test cases based on their skills and
5.Testers cannot use a given test case again.
6.It does not cover all aspects of testing.

 Manual testing is, in fact, a user-friendly programming improvement since people are engaged with testing programming applications and end-clients are likewise people. They need to think and act with an End User point of view and make the product user-friendly.
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