DEV Community

Are you a Mac, Windows or Linux user?

Krishna Agarwal on May 10, 2022

Are you a Mac, Windows or Linux user?
Me: Windows

jeoxs profile image
José Aponte

Windows user. I switched from Linux 2 years ago. Although linux is more power/recourses efficient, I was tired of dealing with compatibility issues on my everyday tools. I'm also a gamer, so I also got tired of using proton/wine/PlayOnLinux tools for games that can run effortlessly on Windows.

w3ndo profile image
Patrick Wendo

Have you considered getting a steamDeck? i also had to dual boot my machine cause I want to play games. I wanted to get the steam deck but I can't get one in my country and as far as I know, it is not available till Q3. But SteamDeck is a linux machine that runs steam games pretty well.

jeoxs profile image
José Aponte

Yes! I've seen/read a lot of reviews about the SteamDeck and it looks promising. As you said, the SteamDeck is a Linux machine which uses ProtonDB (a Steam/Valve tool which allow Steam to play native Windows games on other platforms). There are some compatibility issues with some games that requires Anti-Cheat software, but Valve says that the new updates will solve a lot of these issues. I might buy it at the end of year!

P.D: I will still use Windows for daily run!

w3ndo profile image
Patrick Wendo

Simply because it was the cheapest option when I was starting out. I wanted to buy a new laptop that I really had my eye on. But I only had about $400 on me. The laptop was $500 but it came with windows installed. I asked the vendor if they would drop the price if they could not include the windows CD with it.

I got the laptop, went home and spent days figuring out how to install ubuntu on it.

7 years later, here I am running 3 different distros on my machines cause it's fun. Also cause the problems I face with linux are also uniquely mine. If something isn't running, it's probably because I messed up a configuration somewhere. It holds me accountable for my messes and frankly it is a great, albeit sometimes irritating, way to learn how to fix issues.

tonievalue profile image

Mac user.
It was tough descission, because it was new experience. For most of my life Windows was my primary OS, with some swaps to various Linux distros. Now i can freely say, that for me Mac is the most comfortable OS to work with.

siddsarkar profile image
Siddhartha Sarkar

Windows user switched to Linux and never going back!

eljayadobe profile image

All three. Mostly Mac for general use & games & development (Xcode & Visual Studio & PyCharm), but also Windows for development (Visual Studio), and Linux on Raspberry Pi for fun.

In ancient days, also Amiga OS, GS/OS, ProDOS, AppleDOS, MS-DOS, OS/2, DEC VMS, and various Un*x (DEC Alpha Tru64, Sun Solaris, Minix, System V, FreeBSD, MS-Xenix before it was SCO-Xenix).

xmain profile image

Cook > Gates

muslihiddin profile image

My Windows gamer family give some noise

paugramming profile image
Pau Riosa


pblgllgs profile image

Windows and wsl

sanjaybabu profile image
C K Sanjay Babu

Using mac for work.
Windows for personal projects.
Constantly switching between the 2.

sakko profile image

Windows for games
Mac for most work
Linux for some work

guitarino profile image
Kirill Shestakov

Mac 👌 at work, Linux ❤ at home

developerbishwas profile image
Bishwas Bhandari
rebaiahmed profile image
Ahmed Rebai

Linux User, current OS: linux mint 20

yourmdsarfaraj profile image
MD Sarfaraj

Currenly using Windows

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Are you a Mac, Windows or Linux user?


flgirl813 profile image


andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Mac user after switching from Windows.

cadams profile image
Chad Adams

KDE Neon for personal use
Windows 11 for gaming
Mac for work

jsn1nj4 profile image
Elliot Derhay

Love being a Linux user. Now use Windows at work begrudgingly. Haven't found the right time to switch my work machine over yet unfortunately... But I'm happily running Pop on my personal machine. 🐧😎

hollyw00d profile image
Matt Jennings

Mac user. Been using a Mac since 2007.

I like it because with web development I can use one shell for everything (like git) and the UI is easy to use. However, it's extremely expensive.

uzair004 profile image
Muhammad Uzair

Using company Mac from few months, now I understand why every internet instructor uses Mac :D

davenguyenhuy profile image
Nguyen Huy Cuong

I am missing my PC cause I cant play game on my Mac, so I am going to buy a NUC

evanir profile image

Linux and Mac.

giuliopie profile image
Giulio Piepoli

Linux user :D

darkterminal profile image
Imam Ali Mustofa

From my first computer in Primary School. I use Windows only in School.